2: Confessions

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When Aliyah and Jake came downstairs everyone was in the kitchen and Bethany was in the arms of her boyfriend. Tom spotted them and waved them over to him, just as Bethany spotted them but didn't  notice Jake's arm around Aliyah's waist.

"OMG! Aliyah, this is Ricky, my boyfriend," Bethany beamed, tearing Lia away from Jake's embrace. Jake glared as his older cousin snatched the shorter girl from his arms and brought her over to meet Ricky. "Ricky, this is Aliyah, Tom's best friend but she's more bearable than him." Bethany introduced the two.

"Hi Ali. Can I call you Ali?" Ricky grinned too widely, and stared at Aliyah's exposed skin, despite his girlfriend (who was oblivious of this) standing right next to him. Just as Aliyah was about to tell him -

"No," Jake spoke glaring slightly at Ricky. "You can't call her Ali," Jake finalised and wrapped his arm around her from behind, covering her exposed skin and he pulled her towards him, having noticed Ricky's lingering stares and Aliyah's discomfort of the attention she was receiving from the older guy.

"Hey no worry," Ricky's smile became a fraction more strained as he stared at the younger teens, and he grit his teeth slightly. "I didn't mean to make her uncomfortable. You are?" Ricky eyed the teen that was on eye level with him with masked distaste, but Jake saw it and tightened his grip on Aliyah.

"Bethany's younger cousin, Jake," he smiled tensely, stretching out his arm for a hand shake that Ricky accepted and they gripped each other's hands tightly.

"It's great to meet you Jake," Ricky responded as the boy in question pulled Aliyah flush to his front.

"Hey, Ricky, do you want anything to eat or drink?" Nina asked Bethany's boyfriend nicely, having just placed the red and blue bouquet in a vase.

"That is so sweet of you, and I really wish I could but my parents have a lake house in Oak's Town and," Ricky paused to glance at his watch. "Shoot I've gotta get back before dark in case my car breaks down again." Ricky emphasised his last word and smirked in Tom's direction sneakily, but only the three 16 year olds saw this look.

"Dad?" Tom turned to his father. "Why don't you take a look at it for Ricky?"

Ricky's head snapped in the father-son duo's direction as a tense smile, once again made its way across his face.

"I don't mind getting my hands dirty," Stu said as he took a sip from his drink.

Tom, his parents, Jake, Aliyah, Bethany and Ricky all moved outside and surrounded the yellow car on the driveway to try and see what the problem was.

"Try it again Ricky!" Stu called to Ricky as he inspected under the hood of the sleek car to inspect the engine, but the car only stuttered in response.

"It's gotta be something obvious Dad," Tom spoke from beside his cousin and best friend, eying Ricky warily.

"I'm gonna be honest, auto mechanics isn't really my thing," the man responded as he looked at the engine in bewilderment. "Now if this were a speed sheet or a ledger, I'd be all over it." The man finalised as he shut the hood of the car.

Aliyah gigged softly at Stuart's attempt at a joke, pulling Jake's attention immediately to her.

"You know that wasn't funny right?" Jake smirked at the girl he had his arm wrapped around.

Aliyah only grinned up at the boy brightly and nodded. "That's why it made me laugh. It was too awful not to laugh at."

Jake only rolled his eyes and pulled her by her waist so they were fully stood side to side.

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