4: Anti-gravity

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The group had assembled outside the house and were stood staring at a trellis that climbed the entirety of the building until the attic window.

Lia stood between the twins arms wrapped around them as she stared at Jake with uncertainty.

"Alright, recon's my specialty. I'm going up," he spoke determinedly as he gripped the wooden structure, getting ready to climb.

"Are you sure it's safe," Aliyah said nervously, as she looked at the state of the trellis. Jake's eyes softened as he saw her concern for him and smirked cheekily.

"Why? Worried I'll break something and won't be able to protect you," he chuckled.

"No," Lia replied. "Just if you'll be able to wrap your arms around me with the same amount of freedom."

Jake's smirk turned into a small smile. "I won't break anything of mine. Ok Ali?" The boy gently reiterated.

Aliyah nodded in reluctance, she knew they needed information and this was the fastest way to get it, but she also knew the structural integrity of the trellis was questionable so Jake could be hurt.

"I'm coming with you," Tom said as he transferred Hannah's hold on him, to Lia.

"Tom be careful," Hannah said from the ground as both he and Jake made their way up to the window.

"What do you think they'll see?" Art asked Lia, staring up at her questionably, only to see her staring at the two boys who were now at the window.

"I'm not sure, I just hope they don't get hurt," she answered.

The boys in question stared through the window in both shock and amazement. The Zirkonians were having a conversation and a hologram was the centre of their attention. As the two tried to get a better look at what was happening one of Jake's feet slipped and he was only gripping the trellis with one arm.

"Jake!" Aliyah said panicked as Tom ignored his cousin's pleas for assistance only for them both to fall from the trellis as the wood snapped beneath their weight. They landed in the bushes at the base of where they had climbed, groaning in pain and annoyance.

Lia manoeuvred her way from the younger children's hold and moved towards the duo who had just risen. Tom was unharmed, but Jake rubbed his shoulder in discomfort and glared heatedly at his older cousin.

"Are you okay?" Lia asked as she gently massaged Jake's shoulders, trying to relieve the pain he was obviously in.

"I'll manage," he grit out.

"Basement," Tom spoke. "We gotta get to the basement." He ran off, followed by the twins and Hannah.

"After this is over you should ice it," Aliyah said, removing her hands from Jake's shoulders and grabbing the hand on his uninjured side, before dragging him to follow the rest of the group.

When they turned the corner they saw Bethany in search of her boyfriend.

"Hey, guys, wait. Have you guys seen Ricky?" The older girl asked, concerned and worried about her boyfriend and his whereabouts.

"Pretty sure he's still hanging around here somewhere," Jake said as the rest of the group was silent and too preoccupied with staring at Ricky's body lying on the ground by his car surrounded by plants.

"He didn't leave did he?" She asked sadly, looking around as if she'd catch a glimpse of him.

"No, no. He told us he was heading back to the lake..." Tom trailed off, gripping his older sister's shoulders to stop her from finding said male's alien-zombified body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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