3: Aliens?!

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"I don't know what you were thinking. I really don't. A paintball gun? Don't you know that's a gateway gun?!" Stu berated the guilty teens. "What's next? BB? Pellet? Stun? What am I gonna do? What do you think I should do? I don't know what to do," Stu finished in disbelief as he stared at the trio sat in front of him. Tom sat glaring at Ricky. Jake had his arm wrapped around Lia as she lay her head on his shoulder, looking down in guilt, whereas he sat there staring lovingly at the girl resting on him.

"Can't you keep him in his room for the rest of the week?" Bethany questioned as she stormed towards the trio and glared heatedly at her brother, the look softening as she saw Jake and Aliyah together.

"But it wasn't even me," Tom replied as he gave both Jake and Aliyah a side eye.

"Ok, ok," Stu placated. "You three are just lucky that Ricky wasn't badly hurt."

"It's okay Mr P. I was a little kid once too," Ricky spoke from the doorway, smiling gently to the older man.

"Oh, that's nice Ricky, thank you," Stu smiled at his daughter's boyfriend before turning back to the sat teens. "He's a good guy. He's a good guy. But I'm not okay with this," Stuart spoke, still annoyed with the actions of the tree in question. "We are up here to fish. Not hunt Bethany's boyfriend. Alright? You could have put his eye out. Would that have been funny? I don't think so," Stu yelled but behind both him and Bethany Ricky stood mocking the adult's words, earning looks of disbelief from Tom, Aliyah and Jake.

"Let's start over with a clean slate," Stuart spoke after a moment of silence. "Tomorrow, we fish. Seven AM sharp."

"Seven?" Both Tom and Aliyah questioned in disbelief as Stuart stood nodding and Bethany looked smug.

"Pass," Jake spoke up, grinning smugly. "Nate?!" He called turning towards his father who sat on the sofa through the archway with his Nana.

"Yeah, Stu, don't you think that's a little early? How about this? Ten AM, on the boat, no questions asked," the man in question replied, causing Tom to turn to Jake in amazement who sat cradling a relieved Aliyah's body and smirking.

"Way to crack the whip Nate. Way to crack the whip," Stuart said stiffly to his brother as he stood in disbelief at the nonchalant attitude towards the use of guns.

"Stu?! Stu?!" A panicked voice called as banging came from the living room. "Natey, the TV's gone haywire!"

"Stu! TV's gone haywire!" Nate repeated to his brother as he stared at a magazine, unbothered by what was happening around him.

"Mom! Mom, stop it. It's probably the dish," Stu said as he approached his mother who was beating the TV with her walking stick. "After the storm, I'll climb up and fix it."

"Wait a second Mr P," Ricky interrupted as he slapped Tom around the back of his head earning a look of rage from said boy and looks of shock from Jake and Aliyah who were still sat snuggled together. "Let me fix the dish, man. That's the least I can do for all your hospitality," Ricky finished as he grinned at Stuart politely.

"No Ricky, you're hurt," Bethany tried to intervene.

"No, it was just a graze," Ricky comforted his girlfriend as he smiled at the adult members of the Pearson family.

"No, honey, he's fine. Go ahead Richard. Show some hustle," Nana said excitedly.

"Yes indeedy," Ricky replied as he walked back through the dining room. "But I will be needing a helping hand," he spoke as he reached the trio sat at the dining room table. "Aliyah?"

"No," Jake glared at Ricky intensely as he pulled Aliyah onto his lap. Ricky's grin faltered as the girl stuck her tongue out at him and Jake's eyes pierced his soul.

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