1: Arrival

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Aliyah yawned and questioned her sanity as she stood on her best friend's porch with her parents, waiting for someone to answer the door. The sun painted the sky a slight orange and Aliyah had already captured the beautiful sight with a small camera that hung from her neck. Footsteps could be heard on the other side of the door and it opened to reveal Stuart Pearson, who looked far too enthusiastic to be awake at ,what Aliyah deemed, an ungodly hour.

"Good morning Lia, are you excited?" The man asked jovially as he practically beamed at the still tired girl.

"Positively," she replied drily and yawned once again. The man only chuckled at her response and moved aside to let the family of three in the house. "Do me a favour and wrangle all my kids downstairs, with their bags, for breakfast?" Stu asked the girl nicely.

Lia nodded and proceeded upstairs to start with Bethany. The older girl lay on her bed messaging someone on her phone, giggling every so often and had a small suitcase and two blue bags on her bedroom floor that she needed to move downstairs

"Bethany!" Lia shouted, making the girl jump and glare at her before getting up and wrapping Lia in a tight hug. "I can't breathe properly," she grit out, and Bethany let go of the ever so slightly shorter girl.

"I'm happy you're coming," Bethany grinned. "Even if you're Tom's friend you're still a girl and good to talk to. OMG I've got to tell you all about Ricky and how amazing he is. If there is a pool, like Dad said, we should totally hang out and talk and sunbathe." Bethany proceeded to tell Aliyah about all the things that they could do despite her mainly being Tom's friend and being younger and being shorter, which Bethany took great joy in holding over Lia as she wasn't very tall herself.

"Bethany!" Lia finally snapped, overwhelmed by the fast pace that Bethany spoke at. "That all sounds wonderful, but right now I'm currently still waking up and I need breakfast. So please just bring your bags downstairs?" the girl pleaded and Bethany smiled, nodded then brought her luggage out of her room and downstairs.

"One down. Two to go," Lia muttered to herself as she continued to Hannah's room. Just as she was about to open the door it swung inwards, revealing the young girl. Hannah immediately wrapped her arms around Lia and said good morning before grabbing her one suitcase, a backpack with toys in, and her most prized stuffed toy before following the direction that Bethany had just disappeared. Lia stared as the small girl went, wondering why she wasn't as loud and enthusiastic as normal, but put it down to tiredness and carried on to Tom's room.

She bashed on the door with her fist before entering expecting to see her friend awake, only to see him fast asleep on his bed still. Lia grinned deviously and went to the side of his mattress, gripping under it slightly and heaved with all her might, flipping her friend onto the ground and waking him up. Tom stood up alarmed at the sudden wake up, just to find his best friend laughing so hard at his reaction that tears had started to gather in the corner of her eyes. He glared at her heatedly.

"Wakey, wakey. Up and at 'em. Get dressed. Bring your bag downstairs. Breakfast. Go time," Aliyah gasped, composing herself enough to get the words out and wipe the tears of laughter away before walking out of his room and to the kitchen with a new sense of awakeness.

While eating breakfast, the four adults discussed where the group was going, for how long, and when they would be coming back. Bethany sat on her phone messaging friends about what they would do when she gets back home. Hannah sat, much more energised, telling Aliyah about what she'd like to do on the holiday as the older girl sat and listened intently. And Tom sat opposite Aliyah still glaring at her for the rude way she woke him up, but the girl knew he wasn't as mad as he was pretending to be, he was still tired, so she passed him a cup of coffee and his glared faded almost immediately when he received the drink.

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