The Return of I̵̤̫͘ǹ̷͇̇s̸͈̦͗̆ȁ̵̟̉ñ̷͔̰ḯ̶̲͇̅ṫ̵̝͗y̴̺̠͆̀

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"HELP ME PLEASE! SOMEBODY!! ANYBODY!!!" Four kept calling out, but nobody came. After screaming for a few minutes, his voice became hoarse so he observed the surroundings instead. "Where am I...?" It was dark and clammy so he couldn't make out exactly where he was. All he could see around him was a floor made of goop and eyeballs. It seemed to be the same goop that had overtaken Peach's castle back at the "perfect" incident. As that ghastly image struck in his mind once again, he felt a sharp pain in his head.

"Why won't these bad memories go away?" He wanted to forget it. For everyone to forget it. Even if they had forgiven him, nobody would forget. He tried to stand up, but something pulled him back down. Two tentacles with claws were gripping tightly on his arms, keeping him pinned to the ground. "What!? What's going on? If this is a joke it isn't funny!" Suddenly he heard a faint whooshing sound. "W-w-who's t-t-there? S-s-show y-y-yourself!"

As soon as he said that, the whooshing got faster and louder. "Come on Four be brave." he thought to himself. In a struck of dumb confidence, he shouted out "Really? That's the best you got!" The figure was not intimidated as the whooshing started coming from multiple directions. Four's courage started to wear off as his fear slowly came back. "I'll admit that was kind of creepy..." he said in a shaky voice. The whooshing finally stopped, but only because the figure was now stepping out into the light. "Okay that's definitely a step up." Four finally was face to face with the guy who brought him here. The guy behind all his nightmares. The guy who gave him the keyboard...

The TV Adware stood in front of him with a smirking grin as he felt quite pleased with his entrance. "Good show TV guy." Four said as he tried backing up. The Adware crept closer, approaching Four. All he could think now was "What does he want with me?" Something far greater that Four didn't know about was what he wanted.

The crew were grabbing supplies and planning to making their way back to the forest. Eggdog ran up to Three and rubbed his leg as if he was begging him not to go. As much as he didn't like to see Eggdog upset, he couldn't subject his beloved pup to the horrors he and his friends were going to face. He crouched down to pet his adorable dog and said "Sorry buddy, but you have to stay here."

Beeg raced up to him as well, making a bunch of "Eugh" noises. He seemed very worried for his father. "You have to stay here too Beeg. I called Karen and she said she'll take care of you guys while were gone." He gave a kiss to both of them and went off to join the others.

They all got to a spot deep within the forest and when they stopped, Three said "This is where I last saw Four before he and that weird fog disappeared." One and Two examined the ground and faced the others. "I think there is still trace of him which we can use to find the opening." They joined hands and used their meme powers to lead them to a thin spot that could be opened. Once they found it, they used their energy again to this time, split the ground apart into a giant chasm.

"We're supposed to jump down there?" Meggy asked. "I don't really like that idea." Tari said as she hid behind Meggy. "WE NEED A TEST SUBJECT! ANY VOLUNTEERS!? asked Bob. He scanned the group, but when nobody volunteered he decided to take matters into his own hands. He grabbed Boopkins and threw him into the hole. "SO LONG GAY BOOPKINS!!!" He watched as the fish fell further and further down into the darkness. He kept waiting for the sound of him hitting the bottom.

Three just rolled his eyes and said "Lucky for all of you, I brought rope." Thankfully, the rope was just long enough to make it to the bottom. They figured that out when a crashing sound could be heard at the bottom of the chasm. "BRO ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Bob heard a barely audible groan and turned back to the others. "YEAH HE'S FINE." As Three threw the rope down, Smg1 said "Remember the TV Adware will use all his powers to scare you. He can unravel your greatest fears."

Mario felt confident as he struck back "Mario isn't afraid of anything! As long as he gets Smg4 back everything will be okey dokey!" As they all climbed down the rope, Meggy waved back to Chris and Swag. "Good luck! Please protect the Showgrounds." Chris nodded and Swag said with a wavering hand "DON'T WORRY SQUID GIRL. IF ANYTHING CROSSES SWAG IT WILL BE BOOM BOOM MCDOOM TIME!" 

Meggy didn't feel entirely confident with leaving them in charge, but there was no time to waste. She got onto the rope and carefully climbed down with the rest of her friends. Mario was bouncing along on the rope, swinging it back and forth. "Oi! Quit it fatso!" Meggy shared similar feelings to Three as she tried to stop Mario as well. "Stop it Mario! You might end up hurting someone!"

Mario tried to reassure her by saying "Relax Meggy. Mario knows what he is doing. He's not going to hurt anyone and it's not like-" Before he could finish that sentence, the rope snapped. They all came tumbling down until Meggy spotted a ledge. She grabbed it and held onto her friends for dear life as they had all grabbed onto each other. Her hand was slipping, slowly losing grasp. Just when it seemed like they were goners, Smg1 and Smg2 used their powers to save them.

Once everyone made it safely to the bottom, Meggy asked "Is everyone alright?" Three spitted out in a fit of rage "NO! MARIO ALMOST KILLED US!!!" He expected Four to say a follow up of something like "Well what did you expect?" but the man wasn't with them this time. It made Three feel remorse again. Just then Boopkins came up to them like nothing had happened. "There you guys are!"

Smg1 looked into the dark abyss of the Nightmare Realm and said "We must hurry. They'll know we're here." The others looked upon them as Meggy asked "Who is 'they' exactly?"

"The TV Adware needs servants to help him. The inhabitants of this world became his victims and were turned into disgusting creatures that guard and protect him." Tari gasped and said with an innocent heart "How could he do that to those poor sweet things?" One and Two sighed. "They aren't sweet anymore..."

~Meanwhile in another part of the realm~

The TV Adware finally broke the terrifying silence between them with an intriguing voice. "Listen here. I have made one thing perfectly clear." Four interrupted him with a sense of panic. "Clear? What that you have been terrorizing me and my friends! JUST LET ME GO!!!" His breathing got steady as he remember what the TV Adware did to him when they first met. "You corrupted me and destroyed my home!"

The mysterious TV man raised an eyebrow and smiled faintly. "Oh I know that. All you ever wanted was for things to be perfect... And I do need help from a powerful being such as yourself so how about we make a deal."

He inched closer to Four and put his hands together as a little gesture. "Without you, my entire existence is useless. Your energy could save me." Four looked confused and blinked. "" He pointed to Four's hands and said "Your meme guardian powers of course! Did you really think that I didn't know about that." Four felt a chill go up his spine as he pulled his hands away and retorted "No! My friends need me!" Don't fall for his tricks Four. That's where you went wrong last time.

The TV Adware was cunning. He wasn't going to give up that easily. He always knew what to say to persuade his victims. He tapped his chin in thought and said "Do they? Or will they reject you if you come crawling back to them? Maybe replace you with someone they can trust?" H-how did he-

The TV Adware was reminiscing the awful nightmare Four had earlier. His face was horrified as he he remembered that image of his friends walking off, leaving him in the dark. His heart started to beat faster and tears started to form in his eyes. Speaking with a lump in his throat, he said "B-b-but... they w-w-wouldn't forget me. Would they?"

The tentacles slowly let go of him as the TV Adware watched his insufferable pain. "Stay with me and your talents would never be taken for granted. You would never be forgotten." The Adware stuck out his hand, waiting for Four to take his deal. "Never?" Four couldn't take the nightmares or memories any longer. "I just wanted it to be perfect..." He slowly took hold of the TV Adware's hand as darkness started to come up behind him. Four gasped as the darkness grabbed him before he could even react. It engulfed his body as he could feel his skin cracking and losing control of his mind.

The TV Adware watched this with an evil grin. "And you will help me more than you ever dreamed..." Four closed his eyes whispering "More than I ever dreamed..." That was the last thing he remembered. As his eyes shot open, they were now a glowing pink color and his pupils were shrunk.

Its gotta be perfect...

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