What have I Done?

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Author's Note: Okay okay I hear you. I have gotten comments on my Tumblr and Wattpad for the bad ending to your pursuit of perfection for quite some time, so here it is! This chapter leaves off right after the rap battle and answers the question lots of fans have been wondering: What would have happened if Smg4 gave in to Mr Puzzles? Warning that there is blood and gruesome descriptions in this.

The TV Adware shields his eyes, but opens them to find that rays of meme powers have hit Smg4. One speaks in a commanding voice to the corrupted man. "Your darkness cannot survive in our energy! Loosen your grip on Smg4's heart and let him speak!" The pink cracks on his face etched in deeper as the man they belonged to struggled to fight it. "NO!" Mr Puzzles had enough of this foolishness as he disappeared into the dark shadows behind him, determined to put a stop to this once and for all.

"This isn't working!" Meggy called out until a familar voice spoke "You...guys came back? You didn't forget about me?" They all tuned to see Four with his soft blue eyes, grieving in pain and speaking in a low croak. Tears formed in his eyes as he asked "You didn't replace or reject me?"

Tari smiled and said "Of course not! Why would you think that?" Four felt a dark cloud surrounding him while he was curled up on his knees. Why wasn't his corrupted form disappearing? "I thought that you would never forgive me for what I did. I wanted to forget it!" Suddenly that voice following him around was echoing through his ears once again. "Smg4...don't let these 'friends' fool you."

"Y-You...It was you that gave me those nightmares." The connection was running out and Four was distraught. "We can't hold it for that much longer!" One called out. When Three heard that, his heroic stupidity took hold as he let go of his fellow meme guardians and rushed towards Four. "THREE NO!" Meggy tried to stop him, but it was too late. Three grabbed his hand and tried to use their connection.

What happened next was quite unfortunate as Three awoke to find himself in Four's mind. He then saw his lover from another life and the tall TV man next to him. Mr Puzzles was whispering conflicting persuasions into his ear that made Three understand why Four was so broken.

"What have they done for you?"

"You could have had the perfect video if you didn't save him."

"You should be ruling this world with me."

"I'm your only friend."

Three's anger started to boil as he yelled "LET HIM GO!" Mr Puzzles chuckled and said "Why should I do that?" Three pulled out a bomb and said "Easy. Because I will KILL YOU!!!" He rushed towards him and threw the bomb, but the entertainer disappeared upon impact. Three looked all around and yelled "SHOW YOURSELF YOU FRICKING TV CRAP!!!"

Mr Puzzles reappeared behind him and said "Over here." Three turned and threw another explosive at him, but once again Mr Puzzles's great vanishing act had happened again. He kept reappearing in several spots for each explosion to happen a few seconds too late.



"Just missed me."

"I could do this for all eternity."

All according to plan.

Mr Puzzles played around with Three's emotions for a few more minutes until he appeared by Four and waved. Three was breathing tirelessly as his body ached with exhaustion. "What's wrong Smg3? Tired already? Aw that's a shame. I was having such a good time." Three could have never foretold what happened next. It would soon become the biggest regret of his life...or even his last moments.


Mr Puzzles face didn't change into shock, but instead to a pleasing expression. "Oh my. Did you hear that Smg4?" Three's eyes widened as he noticed that Four was listening and his face was horrified like nothing Three had ever seen before. "You...hate me?" In a mad panic, Three tried to take back what he said. "NO! I WAS TALKING TO MR PUZZLES! I SWEAR I WOULD NEVER SAY THAT ABOUT YOU FOUR!"

Mr Puzzles placed a hand on his shoulder and said "I'm sorry Smg4, but this was what I was warning you about. Your friends never loved you and they never will." It was all made clear. Everything that Three had done was just what Mr Puzzles had wanted. Four's transformation was never permanent...but now it would be.

"You're right. You both were right. I'm a monster. I have no friends. I'm trapped with my wrongful actions. I'll never be anything more." Three covered his mouth with his hands. If anyone was feeling more immense guilt between the two, it was him. Out of everything he did to Four, this had crossed the line. The smirking Adware clapped his hands and said "Thank you Smg3. You finally admitted your true feelings for Smg4...didn't you."

"NO! THAT'S NOT TRUE!" He couldn't take it anymore as he grabbed Four and admitted "I LOVE YOU SMG4!" He hoped that admitting his real feelings would be enough to repair the damage he had caused, but no matter how much he tried Four was convinced that the opposite of Three's honest feelings was what everyone really thought of him.

Four's hands grew cold and his body shook. Three had hit his breaking point as he grabbed Four and pulled him into an embrace. He shut his eyes tightly, reopening them to find that the bond had broken and One and Two looked like they were about to collapse from exhaustion. Four was grimacing with anger back in his corrupted form. Mr Puzzles saw his opportunity and seized it when he yelled out "YOU ALL HAVE INTERFERED FOR THE LAST TIME! NIGHTMARE FOUR DESTROY THEM!" In a flash, the permanent transformation controlled the movement of a mad dash and Four gripped Three's wrist, growing tighter and tighter.

"Four! You're hurting me! Stop!" Four didn't listen as he could clearly sense what this being had said. "SHUT IT! YOU ALL HAVE TREATED ME LIKE A JOKE! I'LL SHOW YOU THAT I'M MORE POWERFUL THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED!!!"

"THREE! NOOO!" Meggy cried as a sharp pain filled his wrist. His vision blurred as he looked down and saw that Four had broken his wrist so badly that it was bleeding. The others watched in complete shock. They never had known what Four was capable of until right now.

Three tried to pull himself up, but a strong force pulled him up to their face. "Isn't it ironic that you have threatened to kill me so many times and I was actually the one who did it to you..." His past. He could have used his last bit strength to pull away and end the man's life for good just like his old self had promised. Instead he flashed a weak smile and said with tears "I'm sorry Four...for everything." He deserved to be put out of his misery. No matter how much he tried, his selfishness just made the one he loved suffer more. "If this will make you feel better...I'm ready."

That was the last thing he said before an arm pounded through his chest. A metallic taste filled his mouth and his eyes flickered out. It was his final moments. Four dropped the corpse and looked at the others with a flashing pink eye. "Don't worry, you're next!"


Silence. Sweet silence. Mr Puzzles sat upon his bitter throne while watching over his new kingdom. His partner watched along with him, eyes narrow. He should be happy. Finally no more nightmares. No more pain and suffering. Nobody to tell him he was worthless. These thoughts swarmed him until something else made him feel...different? Everything was shriveled up and the sky was blood red. Reminded him of someone's eyes.

A bunch of corpses lied down in the distance beneath them. One caught his eyes and he sighed. "Isn't this better Smg4?" He nodded and said "I'm going for a walk..." He left his once tranquil castle of the Showgrounds and looked down at the bleeding man. His chest had a huge hole in it and his face looked tired.

Four looked down at his hands, covered with blood. Those memories. Those feelings. Those good times. It was filled with so much more happiness than what had come now. Maybe even better if Three and him had become...

Tears started to stream down his face as he collapsed onto his knees. He held his lover in his arms, looking down at his sweet face. Corpses of his friends surrounded them as sadness and loneliness was the only thing to keep him company now. Gone. Gone forever. A lump in his throat had formed and a shaky voice said the only thought he had left.

"Oh god. What have I done?"

You've made things perfect...

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