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The first few chapters take place before princess prom and Mystacor so Adora,bow and Glimmer have met mermista, Entrapta and Perfuma already.

Cannon divergence to adopting a demon

No Pov:

Adora stationed herself in the kitchen

Glimmer was in the west hall leading to the garden.

Bow was in the east hall leading to the enterance of the castle.

Entrapta was walking in one of the hallways that lead to the throne room.

Perfuma was in the hallway leading to the Armoury

And mermista was in the hallway leading the bedrooms.

Spinnerella and netossa couldn't go due to a situation in their own kingdom.

Adora was tired but she couldn't sleep she had to be alert.She watched the kitchen hiding behind some of the appliances.


Perfuma walked down the hallway slightly scared at how the hallways looked during the night.The hallways looked dark and evil during the night."hello anyone there."Perfuma said shakily.

Unknown to her that there was someone watching her.The watcher moved a claw in a circle motion and from the shadows Infront of Perfuma the illusion of a rabbit appeared.

Perfuma let out a little yelp before calming down."oh hello little guy can I help you"Perfuma said to the rabbit not knowing it was an illusion.The watcher jumped down from the celling to go mess with more people.

Meanwhile with Entrapta

Entrapta walked down the hallway humming.unbeknownst to her the same person that messed with Perfuma was watching her.

The person created another circle and an illusion of the celling falling appeared.The watcher prepared to hear screams but instead heard.

"fascinating"The purple haired princess said.looking at the fading red sparks

She looked up and spotted the shadow."hey wait"Entrapta said as the shadow took of flying.Entrapta soon smashed into Perfuma.

"no!"Perfuma yelled as Entrapta fell on the rabbit.The rabbit then burst into sparks."wait it wasn't real."Perfuma said confused.

"fascinating,it's like the wall it's an illusion."Entrapta said.The two heard laughing and turned to see the shadow laughing a them.

"hey come here."Perfuma yelled shooting vines at the shadow.The shadow took of running but as Perfuma shot more vines at the figure and it too burst into sparks.

"it's another illusion"Perfuma said."let's go find the others"Entrapta said as the ran towards the others.

meanwhile with Mermista..

Mermista walked down her hallway trident in hand.The third shadow made a circle with her fingers creating another illusion this time of a monster.

Mermista screamed as she backed away from the creature as the shadow held in a laugh learning their lesson from last time.The turquoise haired girl backed up causing her to back into Perfuma."it's not real"Perfuma said."well it looks real."Mermista replied angrily."watch"Perfuma said as she walked up to the growling beast and waved a hand and the beast burst into red sparks."it's a"mermista stated before being interrupted by Entrapta."it's an illusion to trick us."Entrapta said."let's go check on bow and Glimmer"Perfuma said.

Bow was being terrorised by an illusion of a giant spider which mermista got rid off.

And Glimmer was being attacked by an illusion of a somesort of bug like creature which bow got rid off.

"wait if all of this was an illusion what about Adora?"Glimmer asked concerned about her friend as the illusion behind her turned to red sparks.

Meanwhile with Adora..

Adora felt her eyes get heavy as she felt herself get tired.Her eyes began to close before she heard a large bang.She awoke and saw someone crawling across counter's.

Adora watched carefully as they put food in a bag.Adora carefully came out of her hiding place and pounced on them.Who ever it was screeched and latched onto adora and bit her causing her to let go.

The creature had red plasma like wings burst out from their back and the flew out the door.Adora ran after them."guys I've got them"Adora yelled as she saw the rest of the alliance appear around the corner.

Adora and the rest ran out into the forest.The group spread out as Adora went the way the figure went.She realized that the figure was small not child sized but not adult size.

"hey"Adora yelled as she tried to grab on to a long thin orange semi fluffy semi scaly tail.Adora would reach to grab them but the tail would smack it away.Adora then neared the creature but as she did,the creature turned around and bit her in the arm.

Adora screamed in pain as the creature let go realizing what it did.

Angela appeared after hearing the scream.

"Adora!"Angela said worriedly as she sent a blast of magic towards the creature.

It hit the ground and the creature squeaked before running off into the woods.

"Adora are you ok?"Angela asked worriedly as Glimmer and Bow ran towards me.

I looked at my bleeding arm nervously.

"Yeah I'm fine"I said but my mind felt different.

Why did scaring the creature away feel so wrong.

No Pov:

The creature ran through the undergrowth,it's body close the ground.

The Queen had scared it and now it was looking for new territory to hunt it.

It moved through the undergrowth curiously but as it stepped into a clearing a net ensared it, causing the creature to squeak and hiss.

It could hear voices before it felt something prick it's neck and stay there.

It felt fuzzy and sharp but soon enough it slipped into sleep.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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