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                 ~3rd person~

"How about I get Charlie for you then?" Alastor said as he stood and looked at Lucifer.

Lucifer frowned, "Not to be rude.... but she worries too much..." Lucifer mumbled. Alastor thought for another moment.

"How about Husker or Angel?" Alastor said trying to get out of this situation.

"Husk is always drunk and Angel will just flirt with me..." Lucifer grumbled as he looked at Alastor.

"Alright... Fine." Alastor said as he turned around and walked back over to the bed. Lucifer's eyes lit up and he pulled the blanket over himself.

'He looks so vulnerable when he is like this, like a stray cat..." Alastor thought. Alastor then felt the urge to bite him again and take his blood. 'Not again, that stupid blood seems so addictive, but I don't want to Keep biting him." Alastor thought again.

Lucifer slowly began to fall asleep but before he could he heard Alastor's voice. "Deer, I'd like some blood." Alastor said politely. Lucifer's eyes widened.

"I... Don't like to just give away my blood.... Uhm..." Lucifer mumbled. Alastor looked down at him, disappointed, but his smile remained. "But... I guess.... You can have some of my blood...." Lucifer grumbled as he put his arm into the air.

Alastor, to Lucifer's surprise, grabbed his arm and pulled him up, then bit into his neck swiftly. Alastor sucked and licked at the bite getting all the possible blood he can get from it.

"Mmph..." Lucifer whimpered as he pulled his hand over his mouth. Alastor stopped biting one side and immediately began to attack the other side of his neck.

Lucifer let out muffled whimpers, whimpers of pain? No, whimpers of pleasure. This shocked Lucifer but he could barely hold himself up so he didn't complain.

Alastor finished biting and licked the last of the blood that lingered on Lucifer's neck. "What a great snack!" Alastor said, pleased with how much blood he got.

Lucifer, on the other hand, fell back down into a laying position. Then groaned, annoyed slightly. "I fucking hate you..." Lucifer grumbled

Alastor smirked, "With the sounds you were making I would think you have a thing for biting." Alastor said mockingly. Lucifer glared at him angrily.

"I swear to Satan if you tell a SOUL what you heard I will rip you apart." Lucifer threatened Alastor. Lucifer glared up at Alastor who was smirking down at him, pleased with himself.

Lucifer then felt the feeling as if he was going to vomit again and put his hand over his mouth. But he never vomited. 'Stupid vomit... Stupid sickness... Stupid fucking Alastor... ' Lucifer thought.

Alastor looked down at Lucifer. "Are you alright?" Alastor asked him, not being concerned one bit but feeling the need to ask him. Lucifer moved his hand and he didn't answer he just pulled the Alastor's blanket up higher.

"Now, now don't contaminate my blanket." Alastor said as he pulled the blanket off of Lucifer. Lucifer groaned and curled up into a ball before hiding his face in his knees. "May I leave now?" Alastor asked.

"No!" Lucifer said jolting up into a sitting position. "I... Never mind I should just go back to my room..." Lucifer mumbled before stumbling off of Alastor's bed.

"Mmm, alright!" Alastor said as Lucifer slowly walked over to the door and struggled to open the door, his hands weak. Alastor walked up behind him, "Need help?" Alastor said mockingly.

Lucifer turned around and looked up at the radio demon that was right behind him, too close for comfort. "Uhm.. yeah...." Lucifer said slowly turning back around and looking at the ground, tensing up.

Alastor reached his arm around the short king and opened the door for him. Lucifer rushed out of the room and before Aladtor knew it, he heard Lucifer's door slamming shut.

         ~3rd person limited~

I ran into my room, I noticed something on my desk. I walked over their to see a gift box. I opened it right up to see a yellow radio.  "SATAN DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO REMIND ME OF THAT STUPID FUCKING DEMON!" Lucifer shouted, obviously frustrated. He soon calmed down and took the radio out of the gift box and set it on his bedside table. He didn't care who it was from, he didn't care to know.

Lucifer plopped himself down in his bed and pulled his blanket over himself. He felt helpless, vulnerable, powerless, and stupid. But he also couldn't get the image of Alastor being that close to him out of his mind.

              ~3rd person~
               With others

"I hope my dad's okay.." Charlie said as she sat next to Vaggie on the couch. Vaggie looked over at her. With a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure he will be alright." Vaggie said trying to calm Charlie down. At that moment Alastor walked down the stairs and stood by the couch listening to the conversation.

"Oh Alastor! How is my dad doing?" Charlie asked Alastor excited to see him. Alastor looked down at Charlie and thought for a few seconds.

"He ran off to his room after I took the blanket off him so I'm sure he is fine!" Alastor said with his normal cheery voice. Angel dust immediately shot his head up.

"You allowed him in your room?" Angel said, questioning the radio demon. Alastor shifted his gaze from Charlie to Angel dust

"Why yes! I wouldn't go into his room uninvited and he didn't seem to care." Alastor said his smile tensing as he glared at Angel who was now smirking.

"So he went in your be-" Angel had tried to say some stupid sex joke but Husker had put his hand tightly around his mouth to shut him up.

"Mmm, well Charlie if you need me to I can check up on him again!" Alastor said as he put his graze back onto Charlie, Charlie's face soon lit up and she nodded happily.

"Wait hold on!! Why are you hanging around Lucifer so much, last time I checked you too hated each other." Vaggie said, getting skeptical of the situation. Alastor looked over at Vaggie who was glaring at him.

"I bet you 20 bucks they are hate fucking!" Angel said to Husker who immediately wanted to kill himself after hearing him. But soon ended up going with the bet just to see what would happen.

"Well Angel, I would never want or even think of doing that so I hope you keep your mouth zipped before I se-" Alastor began but Charlie interpreted him.

"Alastor! If your going to check on my dad go- and- don't Threaten Angel -" Charlie said rubing the spot between her eyes. Alastor then disintegrated into the shadows.

Alastor showed up in front of Lucifer's door he began to knock on it. Then the door swung open.

        "The fuck do you want?"




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