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I just want to give a thank you to monrooey. They've given me so much motivation, and just deserve a shout out! Go check out their stories!

Norman, Oklahoma

I leaned back in the uneven wooden chair, that wobbled with even the slightest movement, my eyes strained from the hours of probing through the papers Tara had given me. Three vics so far all with their hearts plucked from their chests, and more interestingly all had a flower growing from the empty divet. Authorities believe it's a calling card from a demented serial killer, however at closer observation of the flower I knew in an instant Tara was correct about this being a Corvus Arboreus. I glanced over at the picture of a flower with crimson petals sprouting out of the chest of a male. It was a Heartbloom.

Heartblooms have this haunting type of beauty around them, their crimson blooming petals leaked a clear and sticky liquid, giving the flower a shimmering effect. Although that liquid is dangerous, dangerous in the sense of one touch allows the Corvus Arboreous to track you, hiding in the shadows until they decide to strike. Only a Corvus Arboreous can grow these unearthly plants from the blood of their victims, further driving home the fact this was one of those creepy beings.

Corvus Arboreous or what I like to refer to them as, birdbrains were a very unsettling creature to come across. Majority of the time they were seemingly normal humans, but when they fed they turned into a grotesque being. Their mouths morphed into a sharp skin covered beak, their eyes replaced with two beady, black voids, and fingers transformed into talon-like claws. I'm not quite sure I will ever get the mental image of a skin covered beak out of my head, they were definitely disturbing creatures to look at.

So far the only connection between the victims I have found is they all live relatively close, in an upscale gated neighborhood on the west side of town. You are shitting me. I narrowed my eyes on the gated neighborhood's name to ensure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. Ravenworth Estates. Well it seems this Corvus is either extremely stupid or thinks it's pretty funny.

I pushed myself up from the chair, moving towards my duffel tucked beside the full sized mattress, stomping with each step to try and wake my legs back up.

Kneeling down, I unzipped the bag. Shifting through all the junk I've accumulated through the years, searching for an extra magazine. These creatures were easy to kill, anything that works for a human, works for them. A bullet seems like the easiest solution.

My hand froze, my eyes glued on the small black box that had been buried at the bottom of the bag. An almost crippling pang weighed against my chest as I grasped the box.

Slowly I opened the box, gazing at the ring I haven't laid eyes on in months. A bittersweet nostalgia pumping through my veins, sending my stomach into free fall. The luminous dark blue circular lunarite gem in the middle shimmered against the dim light, reminding me of a midnight sky filled with stars. Six smaller diamonds lined the gemstone, fully showcasing its beauty. I brushed my thumb against one of the two crescent moons that rested on both sides of the gem.

I took a deep breath, squeezing my eyes shut. "I won't let anything happen to them, I promise," I whispered, sliding the ring over my middle finger. I've been too scared to wear it, fearful that I'd lose it, but right now I just need a reminder of him, a good reminder I should say.

The bed released a low squeak as I sat against it, unzipping my black boots that stopped just below my knee.

I leaned forwards, my fingers wrapping around the whiskey bottle's neck that poked out from the duffel, I knew tonight would be a sleepless night without a little assistance.

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