25.The Truth will Sing

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Silas pov

Biloxi, Mississippi

"Sit on the couch, don't move. If you start seeing shit tell it to fuck off," I commanded, walking through the living room. I had already taken her gun and knife, there's no telling when the hallucinations would start.

I made my way to the french doors, that tightness in my chest at an all time high. Never have I felt this level of panic, but I couldn't let it show-couldn't increase her anxiety.

Gently I closed the door behind me, stepping onto the wooden porch. The porch light flicked on at my movement, illuminating the small square area. The waves crashing in the distance filling my ears. I rested my forearms on the railing while lowering my head. Goddamn it, I shouldn't have let her go off on her own. I shouldn't have let myself get carried away on the dance floor.

My hand fished into my pocket, tugging my phone out. Scrolling through my contacts, I clicked on Lavanya's name. My hand pressed the phone to my ear as it began ringing. I peered back to see Astrid sitting on the couch just staring off into the distance. She hasn't said a word since we left the club, worrying me further.

"Hello?" Lavanya's tired voice flowed through the speaker.

"Get Perseus and put me on speaker," I harshly said, leaning my back against the railing so I could monitor Astrid.

"Okay, one second," she returned.

Astrid hasn't moved a muscle, her eyes seemingly locked on the tv-that is off. For the love of fuck don't let her be having hallucinations yet. My foot tapped against the porch, echoing off into the darkness.

"What the fuck do you want at two in the morning," Perseus growled over the speaker. Likely mad I interrupted his after bender nap.

"Do either of you know a way to combat a rune- a madness rune in particular," I gritted, his pissiness not helping my anxiety.

"A madness rune?" Lavanya questioned.

"Yes," I curtly said, running a hand over my jaw. "Do you know of any spells that could get rid of it-or stop its effects." I could hear the desperation in my own voice-something that I hadn't heard in almost two centuries.

"Why?" Perseus inquired, pissing me off further.

I took a deep breath, briefly closing my eyes. "Astrid..." was all I could say, opening my eyes to look at her.

"Oh no," Lavanya gasped. She's always been one for dramatics-but in this case it's warranted. "Um-I don't, but I'll get to looking through my mom's old spell books."

"Thank you," I breathed out, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Tell your mate to quit being an idiot and trying to get herself killed," Perseus quipped and I nearly snapped the phone in half. Every inch of my body tensing at him calling her an idiot, I could feel my eyes flare red.

"Perseus," Lavanya scolded. I just hung up, I didn't have the energy to deal with Perseus' attitude at the moment.

Astrid's head spun behind her, her eyes wide. Fuck. A rush of the fear she is experiencing spiked through me-something that her necklace has been blocking. Jesus Christ, that means I'm going to have to try and control my own inner worry so she doesn't feel it.

I've seen warriors of men diminish to insanity from a madness rune, it's a god awful thing to witness, I can only imagine how it feels to experience it. Astrid is a fighter, if anyone can fight it off long enough for me to find a remedy it's her... she has to be.

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