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3rd POV Underworld

The group then landed in a forest on the  ground as they all sat catching their breath, Y/n looked around to see how the other two were doing.

Y/n: So...everyone ok?

Mash: Yes thank you.

Yuta: More or less, that was close.

Y/n: That's good*Looks at the blonde women* Geez she's still out after all that.

Yuta: How did you get us out of there?

Y/n: Tyrant Teleported us away.

Yuta: Whose Tyrant?

Y/n: The dragon in my sacred gear.

Mash*Blush*: Well should have told us before grabbing me like that....

Y/n: Sorry Sorry, I didn't have time to explain.

Yuta: Where are we?

Tyrant: The Underworld boy.

Yuta: Whoa, your sword talked!?

Tyrant: I am the silver dragon of evolution boy.

Yuta: Oh sorry..

Mash: Hold on, you said we are currently in the Underworld!?

Tyrant: Yes or as you humans call Hell.

Mash: Well this place is hardly  the fire and brimstone most people imagine.

Y/n: Yeah, in fact other than this place having no oceans it's almost one to one with the human world. 

Yuta: Wait does that mean.

Y/n: Oh right, I didn't get the chance to tell you. I'm a devil/ dragon Hybrid so I been here before.

Mash: So this is where you were born, senpai?

Y/n: No, I used to be human but do to........reasons...I was turned into a devil then a dragon.

Mash: I see..

Y/n: Well let's see if we can't find a city to rest at, monsters roam around here.

Yuta: Sounds like a plan.

Mash: I'm really want to see what a devil city looks like.

Y/n then picks up the green hair woman and the group started walking, as they made their way they found themselves at a cliffside looking down at the edge to see the glowing lights of the city.

Mash: Wow it looks so beautiful.

Y/n: It's a little bigger than humans but not much different.

Mash: I never seen a city like this before.

Y/n:......Mashu......How long have you been in that church?

Mash: For as long as I remember.

Y/n: Hm this looks like the Phenex's Territory.

Yuta: Phoenix?

Y/n: No Phenex, they are a noble devil family. They earned their renown from their three demonic powers, in which was similar to the Phoenix, Their power of , lets them regenerate body parts in flames, which restores them to their previous conditions in flames, making them difficult opponents for those without immense power; powerful flames able to incinerate opponents.

Yuta: I see so they must be a pretty powerful family.

Y/n: Yep both in battle and political, they also make something called Phoenix tears.

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