569 28 7

August 14th, 2023.
Detroit, Michigan.
10:00 AM.
Third Person POV 🪄.


A/N: Hey yall! I really just wanted to come and apologize for not updating as much as i should. I've been in somewhat of what some people would call a "writers block" 😭. Basically i really haven't had any ideas, but ive finally pulled myself on out of it so here we are.


Bria had just landed in Detroit for Summerslam, although she didn't have anything to do for tonight. So really she'd just be sitting around backstage along with other superstars who really just didn't make the cut , as far as for summerslam.

Just like every week on Raw, even Smackdown, she was ready to tune in to The Bloodline drama. It was very soothing to her at least to have that same excitement as the fans, plus it gave her something to look forward to , seeming that once again, she had nothing to do.

But there definitely had been plenty of people walking around backstage, it was insane. Most were WWE superstars, others being vets and perhaps even a few Hall Of Famers.

One being Maryse.

"Hey girl! I haven't seen you since that game night." Maryse exclaimed excitedly walking up to Bria.

"Oh, Hey!" Bria replied, sounding a bit taken aback.

"How have you been?" Maryse leaned up against one of the tables.

"I've been great actually, you?" Bria crossed her arms.

"I've been good!", Maryse took a pause. "Actually, do you know where all the other girls are?" She then asked, Bria assumed she was talking about Naomi and Bianca.

"Oh. I think I last saw them in the locker room, I can go get them if you want?"

"Yea, that sounds good actually!"

"Okay, i'll be back."

Bria walked off and made her way through the backstage area, making her way to the women's locker room. She pushed her way inside, seeing of course, Bianca and Naomi.

"Hey yall-" She said, grabbing their attention. "Maryse wants yall, i'm not sure for what but..yea."

"Okay!" Bianca replied almost instantly, getting up, Naomi following right behind her.

Bria and the girls then made their way back over to where Maryse was.

"Okay! Now that I have you all here.." Maryse squealed , obviously excited about something. Meanwhile Bria stood there, a look of confusion plastered on her face.

"So, I was thinking, We should all have some sort of slumber party! It would be so fun, don't you think?" Maryse smiled at the 3 women standing before her.

Naomi and Bianca seemed thrilled with the idea, almost instantly agreeing. But, Bria was lost in thought. Not that she was thinking anything negative, that certainly wasn't the case. She had been more excited than anything, everyone knew that Maryse and The Miz were known for throwing the best parties, she was just glad she got invited to one of some sort. And although it was likely to be small, oh she was sure Maryse would find some way to make it big.

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