Chapter 1: Take it Off

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Chapter 1: Take it Off

Years ago

A beach outside of Maine

Arthur stood on the white sand, panting.

"Again." Vulko commanded, hands laced behind his back, "You'll never claim the throne if you do not have proper training."

"This is bullshit," Arthur cried out, "I just want to meet my mother, my brother. I just want to see Atlantis!"

He shifted his weight, twirling his trident gently, scraping the end in the sand.

"Patience, my young prince, everything good happens with time," Vulko stated, pacing around, sand kicking up behind him.

Arthur began to speak, when the waves crashed, and something washed ashore.


He ran over to the huddled lump and the first thing he saw was the bright green of her eyes. She wasn't breathing, yet her gaze pierced through him like a knife.

"Vulko?" He whispered as the man stood grimly beside him.

She started coughing, salty water spewing from her mouth, and she rolled over. She had a large gash in her forehead, and she slowly stood to her feet.

"Where am I?" She asked hoarsely, blinking the salt from her eyelashes.

"Don't worry," Arthur cooed, "You're safe."


09:00 hours

Amnesty Bay, Maine

Cora wasn't sure what woke her up first, the sunlight peeking through the thin, filtered curtains or the loud knocking on the door. Grumbling slightly, she peeled back the heavy blankets on her bed, and sat up, rubbing her temples. She hoped it helped rid last night's tequila before she answered the door. A soft yawn escaped her lips as she picked up her phone, groggily scrolling through the 16 missed calls and various texts, all from the same number.

"Arthur Curry, you're the reason I drink," she mumbled to herself as she pulled her long blue locks up into a ponytail, quickly combing her fingers through her unruly bangs.

Stepping out of bed, she grabbed the nearest shirt and threw it on, padding across the cold wooden floors to the door. Slowly opening it, she stood somewhat dumbfounded on who stood on the other side.

"Hey squirt!" The tall Hawaiian yelled, picking her up in a tight hug, spinning her before setting her down.

"Arthur, always good to see your face," she said through a forced smile, his loud voice cutting knives into her head.

"The place looks good," he remarked, doing a 360 around her dinky studio. He looked a lot different than she remembered. He was more muscular, his hair was longer and more blonde, and he had a ridiculous spandex suit on. His eyes weren't their normal brown, they glowed a dark gold color, and he had rings and bracelets adorning his arms and fingers.

"Arthur, what are you doing here?" She asked, walking over to her kitchen, pouring a steaming cup of coffee, "Last time I saw you, you had less clothes, and you were less...all of that."

She finished her sentence with a small motion to his attire and big smile, "You still with the JL?"

He shrugged her questions off, "We are here, because we need your help."

"We?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Arthur motioned to the door, and that's when she noticed the other man standing there. He was shorter than Arthur, and from what she could tell, a lot different. He had no shirt on, tweed pants that hung low off his hips, and sandy hair that covered his face, alongside a rugged beard.

"Arthur why is Rob Zombie in my apartment?" She asked.

Arthur snorted, and she could've sworn she saw the other man roll his eyes.

"That's my brother, Orm." He whispered to her.

"Oh, the righteous douchebag that tried to kill humanity, gotcha." She whispered back, before she turned to him, "C'mon sunshine let's get you cleaned up."

"Arthur if you haven't forgotten we have better things to do." The man said, "We have to meet my supplier."

Cora raised her eyebrow, looking between the two. She shook her head, grabbing a chair and kitchen scissors, "Sit."

Orm looked at her skeptically, "You're surely not using those on me."

"It's either that or I shave you bald take your pick," she snapped. He immediately sat down, and she draped a blanket over his chest.

"You still have suits here?" Arthur asked, thumbing through her record collection. He picked one up, and blew the dust off of it, setting it into the record player. Soon the hard melodies of 'take it off' by KISS started drifting through the room. The slow snipping of the scissors mixed with it as she worked on Orm's unruly hair.

"Yeah, I've got supplies as well. The League brings me some every so often. I think it's just an excuse for Talia to keep an eye on me." She replied, letting out a small laugh. She gently pushed a lock of Orm's hair out of his face as she worked on the front of his hair. His piercing blue eyes met hers, and she flicked her gaze back to what she was doing.

Soon enough, his hair was at a reasonable length, no longer covering his eyes. He was watching her as she moved, with a grim expression.

Filthy surface dweller, he thought to himself, touching me like I'm a peasant. Treating me like a peasant.

She moved quickly, shaving off his beard, leaving no trace of the torture of being locked in the Fisherman Kingdom. As she worked, she heard a small crash, and something tinkered across the floor, and Arthur picked it up.

"Cora?" Arthur asked, quietly. She looked over to see him holding a crown. One that brought her almost to tears. She dropped the scissors she was holding, and they skittered across the floor.

"A-Arthur, I can explain."

She barely got her sentence out when he was standing in front of her. His once happy expression was turned to a grim one. His face contorted into an angry frown, as he put the crown almost against her. She trembled as she looked up into his eyes. The fire in them terrified her, it reminded her of the one wearing the crown. The day she never wanted to remember. The one that brought chills down her spine every second she thought of it.

"Cora." Orm whispered, voice shaking in anger, "Why the hell do you have my father's crown?"

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