Chapter 8

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Brendan wiped his brow of sweat and sighed as he sat down the last set of tools. "Now what?" He asked the giant vermillion that stood guard.

It shrugged it's shoulders before placing it's 'fingers' to its head. Its eyes began to glow red.

"That won't be necessary."

The boys head snapped toward the voice. It sounded so familiar but at the same time, so different. A soft smile had crossed his lips. Then his eyes met Krux's and it faded as he looked to the ground.

"You don't have to wear all that anymore do you?" Brendan walked to a pile of tools and laid them out in order from biggest to smallest.

Krux let out a sigh. "Brendan. Words can't express just how sorry I truly am for lying to you all these years."

Brendan stayed quiet, he only looked up and gave Krux a heartbroken look of betrayal.

"I had my reasons."

"Like what? Keep yourself safe?" Brendan snapped.

Krux flinched, he'd never heard the boys voice so angry before. "It was for your protection. I didn't want you to be here like this."

"Whose fault is that?"

"I didn't throw the tea in his face Brendan. How many times did I tell you Acronix would act on anger?" Krux snapped back.

Brendan flinched at the harsh tone Sander had taken. Like Krux, Brendan had never heard the snappy tone from that mouth before.

"You should've at least pulled me aside and addressed the concern." Krux softened his voice.

"Why, so you could put me to sleep to?"

"That'd be better than you being here. You don't know what my brother is capable of. You didn't live with him Brendan. Everything I told you about Acronix and myself was true."

" 'Krux was expelled and is hiding. It is unknown where so you must be cautious.' " Brendan spoke the words perfectly. "Cautious about what? What I say around you? Cautious about what I uncover?"

"Did you discover anything?" Krux asked quietly. "Before today that is."

"A lab. I thought maybe it was left over by Clouse and Chen, but after what I've seen today-" Brendan looked at the mass of snakes. "Those were snake eggs for these things."

"It was a gift from them. They showed me where to find more, where the Great Devourer herself laid them. A 'thank you' for sheltering them from the ninja."

"Why were you against Morro then? Why not shelter him?"

"Never really clicked with the kid. Too hell bent on destiny to see the danger he put himself in. Kid got himself killed and we were blamed for it."

"What 'we' was blamed for his death?" Brendan asked.

"My brother and I. We were sent out to find him. He'd gone crazy again about how he was the destined one, and destiny would save him."

"Why didn't you save him?"

"We tried, but he'd gone into the den of the Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalicus."

"The Grundal? Why would he do that?"

"As I said, he believed destiny would save him. We got him out, but the brat called to it."

"Hey! Stupid Grundal! Come out and play!" Morro taunted the beast.

"Shut up!" Krux scolded.

Acronix sat atop a tree branch to keep watch for others that may come to the den. He wasn't doing that though, he was carving away at the bark with his tungsten blade. Though he secretly hoped for bad news on the boys status. He scoffed when he heard the late teen shout. "That idiot is gonna get himself and my brother killed." Acronix said it so casually he almost missed the 'my brother' part himself. His blade slid down the tree creating a jagged cut. "Krux!"

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