Chapter 12

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Borg laid in wait. He wondered what was going on, what he was missing. Acronix's voice snapped him out of thought.

"Good. You're awake."

Borg turned slowly, propping himself up on his elbow. "Yeah. It's like, ten." He rolled his eyes before noticing the blood on Acronix's face. "What happened?"

"My brother staged a revolt so I had him stabbed." Acronix replied dully.

"I'm sorry, what?" Borg shook his head and furrowed his brows.

"He's going to be your new roommate." Acronix smirked.

The warrior drug Krux into the room and dropped him near the door.

Borg looked at the state he was in. His red blouse was ripped near the middle and it was stained a darker red. His nose was bruised and slightly misshapen, blood had dried in his moustache. Golden streaks lined his face as well. His chest slowly rose and fell signifying life.

"If the warrior stabbed him, how did your face get all bloody?"

"Oh. I killed someone else."

"You ki-" Borg stuttered. "How do you say that so casually?"

"As you said. I'm sick."

"Who?" Borg asked hesitantly.

"That little brat, Brendan."

Borg gasped softly and looked away from Acronix's eyes. "Then that's his blood on your face?"

"Yes. Yes it is."

"You really are a monster."

Acronix sighed. "That's what he said too. Either way. Back to work, we have a deadline. Now, only I'm in charge. So be careful with what you do next."

The time master stepped toward the inventor and picked him up. He walked back to the chair and sat him down.

"Raggmunk. I'd like you to keep an eye on him for me. Never let your gaze leave him. It that understood?"

"Yes sir, Master Acronix." Raggmunk replied.

Acronix nodded. "I'll send in a couple other warriors to help with the metal he'll need. If he attempts to tamper with it. Let me know immediately."

Raggmunk nodded, his eyes never leaving Borg.

"Oh, and I'll have another warrior keep an eye on my brother. If they tell you anything, tell me."

Another nod with those still unmoving eyes.

"Where are you going?" Borg asked before he started.

"To get my power back. You felt time slow, didn't you?"

"How will you find it?"

"Your technology is useful for something. Thank you so much for taking my brothers words to heart." Acronix smirked before turning and leaving the room.

Borg looked down at Krux. His chest was still moving so, he was still alive.

"He can't die. Quit looking." Raggmunk commanded.

Borg looked up. "What does that mean?"

"If he dies, so to does our Master."

"How? Is it the twin thing?"

"More of a curse." Machia entered with a couple drones. He gaze slowly fell to Krux and she flicked her tongue.

"Clouse, I guess." Borg crossed his arms.

"Yes. Somehow he made it happen without Acronix knowing. I've been instructed to do a deep dive into his memory."

"She is not to be disturbed. Back to work." Raggmunk growled as his tongue flicked.

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