Chapter 3 - The Old Whoopee Cushion In The Hand Trick-

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-Chara's pov-

I was next to Frisk when she opened the doors "Oh" She said clearly surprised. I don't know why though, Probably because the air didn't feel dusty anymore and it felt peaceful instead. Frisk was admiring how beautiful the forest looked. I got impatient and flew in front of her. "Hello? Frisk? We need to go, so can you get your slow ass over here and start walking."       "Fine" Frisk Grumbled. As we were walking, Frisk kept on looking at the trees and she was so distracted that she tripped on a large branch that was WAY to heavy to pick up.   "FUCK"  Frisk screamed as she fell head first into the snow. I burst out laughing. "It's not funny you bitch." Frisk whined           "Oh it is Frisk. It is." I said.

 After I stopped laughing, which took five minutes and Frisk attempting to slap me but failed because i'm a ghost, we continued to walk. " Bastard" Frisk mumbled     "What did you sa-"  I heard a snap. The branch Frisk tripped on was now broken. For a minute I saw a silhouette of someone. I paused.... " Oh SHIT Frisk we gotta fucking go now!!"

We only managed to get to the bridge when he caught up with us. "Shit we're dead."


-Chara's pov again-

After my outburst, we had only been able to get to the bridge with a fence with bars too wide anything could get through them.  I knew what was going to happen and who we were going to meet.

"H u m a n" A slow voice said "D o n ' t   y o u   k n o w   h o w   t o   g r e a t   a   n e w    p a l ?         T u r n   a r o u n d   a n d    a n d   s h a k e   m y   h a n d . "       Frisk slowly started to turn around and the silhouette lifted up it's hand. Frisk started to move her hand up to shake the other.           "Wait. what the fuck are you doing Frisk. DON'T SHAKE THE FUCKING HAND!!!" I yelled     The silhouette turned it's head to look at me.  "Too late" The silhouette said

A loud fart noise echoed through the forest as me and Frisk looked at each other. We looked at the silhouette that revealed to be a small skeleton with a blue jacket on black shorts a white t-shirt and pink slippers. Sans. " Heh" he said " The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's... always... funny. Sans looked at Frisk then at me?   " WAIT YOU CAN SEE ME?!!!!!" I yelled      "Chara not in my ear please" Frisk winced. She always had sensitive ears but never told anyone. The reason why I knew that was because I LIVE in her soul. Sans looked shocked   "Oooh... Fuck. You can see me can't you?" I asked nervously "...Shit"        Sans shook his head "Any way you're a human aren'tcha. Heh that's funny. Don't worry I ain't planning to catch ya. Can't be bothered. My bro Papyrus however, he's a human hunting FANATIC. Actually I think that's him over there. Go through the bars."            "These one's" Frisk asked pointing to the only bars in the area. "Yep. go right through them. My bro made 'em to wide. So monsters just walk through."

Me, Frisk and Sans walked through. I turned around and saw Sans. His eyelights were dull and he wasn't smiling like he normally does. He walked next to and whispered in my ears " Dirty brother killer"

Oh shit, He remembered.... I HAVE to tell Frisk.... as soon as possible too.

If Sans remembers, Could all the monsters in the underground remember too? Hopefully not. I mean it would save us the fuss of all the monsters trying to kill Frisk in shear revenge for the one hundred times we had completed a genocide route. But another thing about Sans that sparked my interest... he could see me. A dead human child that could only be seen by humans with the determination soul trait... I can't wait to investigate this further.

I can't wait for my plan to unveil at the final corridor. Frisk I don't care what deal we made I will make this run a neutral one and I WILL take your soul back.... I'm DETERMINED to do so.

Chara- Check- LV: 20 HP:99 Defence:40 Attack: 20      Favourite weapon: toy knife                 Favourite food: CHOCOLATE


-Chara is back to her evil ways..... oh no.


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