Chapter 1

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It was one of those silent breakfasts. One where they were all too tired to speak. Paul looked exhausted. He had dreamt that night of the same girl he always saw in his dreams.

Zane, his younger brother by a year, for once didn't dream. But that worried him more. Why hadn't he dreamt that he was travelling the desert on Arrakis with the Fremen? Or the one where Paul and a female Fremen were kissing? He liked that dream. He loved his older brother dearly and would never dream of hurting him.

"Thank you," Paul spoke when his mother poured them both a glass of water. She had just told them to get into a ceremonial dress for their father's claim on Arrakis.

"If you want it, make me give it to you," their mother asked, "Use the voice". Zane could see Paul wasn't up for it.

"Mom, I just woke up," Paul voiced Zane's thoughts.

Zane decided to go first, to give Paul some time to prepare.

"Give it to me." His mother immediately obeyed and passed Zane his glass. He sipped his water gratefully. Soon they would go to Arrakis, a place where water was the most valuable resource. He didn't want to move his home to Arrakis. They were doing perfectly fine here. Why would the Harkonnens suddenly give up Arrakis when they were getting rich from the spice?

"Impressive," his mom congratulated. Zane, although he was younger, was better at the Voice than Paul, and Paul was better at fighting than Zane. He had a year extra of practice and Zane was sure that Paul practiced when he was alone, just like he did with the Voice.

"Your turn Paul." Paul sighed, and closed his eyes, concentrating.

"Give me the water," Paul ordered. His mom resisted, "Almost."

"Almost?" Paul wanted more answers.

"Your pitch was slightly too high but you managed first try. That's an improvement," Zane whispered into his ear. Paul nodded thanking his brother. He too, loved his brother and hoped they would stand side-by-side when the time came.

"Bene Gesserit skills take years to learn Paul," his mother told him.

"How come Zane can do it when he's a year younger?" Paul countered.

"He's... quick to learn." Their mother sighed, "You look tired. More dreams?"

Paul looked down at his plate, "No." Zane could tell he was lying. Whether their mom knew he was, they didn't know.


"Still studying Arrakis?" Zane sighed as he walked into an empty room. He didn't know why his brother loved Arrakis so much or why he was determined to know everything there is to know about that damned planet. Maybe it was the dreams and the girl.

"How did you sleep?" Paul was trying to avoid the question. He didn't know why he wanted to know everything about Arrakis. 

"I... didn't dream," Zane was unsure if he should tell anyone about it but he trusted his brother more than anyone. After all, he grew up with only him as a playmate. Zane sat down next to Paul on the stairs. Paul stopped reading and turned to look at Zane, "Really? Weird. Maybe you were lucky." They both thought for a moment.

"Brother, why are we taking Arrakis? How do the Harkonnens just suddenly disappear when they were made rich from the spice? Why stop?" Zane blurted his questions.

Paul chuckled, "You really are full of questions." He ruffled his brother's hair playfully.

"You didn't answer my questions."

"The Emperor ordered it." Zane still wasn't satisfied with that answer, "I'll ask Dad after the ceremony."


The ceremony was as boring as Zane and Paul imagined. The Herald of the Change said his speech and the offer to take Arrakis. Their father accepted with one of his wise speeches. 

Before making the seal Leto looked back at his two sons. They looked identical. The only difference was that Zane had a brown crescent moon-shaped birthmark on his left cheek. His two sons nodded in sync to say go ahead.

While their father was sealing, the sister of the Bene Gesserit looked at them coldly. It sent shivers through both the brother's spines and they looked away.


Paul wanted to go to Arrakis earlier with his friend Duncan. He had had a dream where Duncan was lying dead, fallen in battle. Both his father and Duncan had said no.

His father had given him and Zane a speech about desert power. He wanted to ally with the Fremen.

When Zane asked about the Harkonnens suddenly leaving he answered, "The Emperor ordered it." Zane had enough of hearing that answer. "The Emperor ordered it," he muttered to himself annoyed.


"Don't stand with your backs to the door." It was Gurney Halleck the new weapons master. Zane and Paul were busy training against the two dummies there were.

"I could tell it was you by your footsteps," the brothers said in unison. They grinned at each other, both resting to grab some water.

"Someone might imitate my stride."

"We know the difference," Paul answered for both of them, "Give us a song Gurney, we've had a long day."

Halleck threw a dagger between the two boys. "That's rude," both Paul and Zane said. They both turned around with a sword in hand to see Gurney charging at them with two swords. Looks like they'll be fighting together today. The brothers fought well together as they knew each other's moves and had Gurney on the ground after a few blows.

"You fight well together. But if one of you falls in battle... I must see what you can do alone." Gurney challenged Paul first.

During the fight, Paul lost his sword. He jumped over the table with all the blades and grabbed two daggers. Zane knew he fought well with daggers as he preferred mobility over strength.

"I have you," Paul declared, laying on top of Gurney daggers threatening his throat. "Aye. But look down my lord. You'd have joined me in death." Paul helped Halleck up.

"Your turn Zane. Let's see if you've improved from last time." He would be lying to say he was nervous. He was highly strung. He picked up a pair of daggers. He preferred mobility as well.

The start of the fight was rough, he was making too many mistakes. But as the match went on, he got into the flow of the battle, using Gurney's disadvantages against him. It took Gurney a while to figure out Zane's plan: to exhaust him; but it was too late. Zane was saving his energy by using small movements. Gurney's movements were getting slower and messier. Zane knocked Gurney to the ground and held his daggers to Halleck's throat.

"First time." It was indeed Zane's first time beating Gurney. He hadn't even had a battle where they both would have ended dead. Zane helped Gurney up, looking at Paul smiling. Paul was proud of his little brother, Zane could see it in his eyes. Paul had bested Gurney many times and he could confirm that it was pretty difficult.

Gurney left the room and Paul turned to his little brother, "I'm proud of you, very proud."


Here is Chapter 1. I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Any mistakes or problems or things you want to add/remove please let me know.

Thank you and enjoy!

-Artemis <3

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