Chapter 4

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"Shield." The soldiers of House Atreides activated their shields. At the centre of the group was the Duke Leto and his family. Before leaving Paul and Zane had appreciated every moment on Caladan, their birth world. They had played in the water, tackling each other, Paul winning since he was stronger and more talented.

Paul was excited to go to Arrakis. He had studied day and night about the Fremen and the sandworms that inhabited the planet. But since that night... he had felt different. He almost didn't want to go to avoid being in a prophecy. He still wanted to see Arrakis and live with the Fremen learning their ways but not because some Reverend Mother predicted it or wanted it to happen. And now that he knew coming here was a trap... 

Zane really didn't want to go. Back on Caladan, he was happy. Why should they move here? Their father said it was to gain more power since Arrakis was the most powerful planet but also the most dangerous. He had told him and Paul that they would cultivate desert power by allying with the Fremen. Zane didn't mind that. It was how fast they could do it before the trap was set into motion.

The platform opened and light poured into the ship, blinding them all. Leto looked back at his two sons. They smiled at him at the same time. Creepy. He didn't know how they looked identical. They were born exactly a year apart, their birthday being the same day.

"My lungs taste the air of Time, blown past falling sand," Gurney recited. Bagpipes started chiming, and the man playing them walked out and then turned right. The group started moving forward out of the shadows.

 The brothers looked around taking in the new atmosphere. Sand and spice. They could barely see as they were adapting to the sand blowing and stirring around them.

"Thufir Hawat." Paul noticed Thufir waiting for them. He ran toward him, hugging him, Zane echoing his movements.

"Young masters! How does it feel to walk on a new world?" Thufir asked the two boys.

"Exciting to say the least," They both replied, half lying. Thufir greeted Duke Leto and told him they had secured the city but still smoothing out rough spots. He then led Lady Jessica, Paul and Zane to the 'thopter, the Duke Leto heading off in another direction.

On the way to the 'thopter the group of people standing outside and watching them started shouting repetitively, "Lisan al-Gaib!Lisan al-Gaib!" Paul and Zane squinted to see who they were pointing at. To their amazement, It was them they were pointing at. What was Lisan al-Gaib?

They got onto the 'thopter and the troops started shouting 'Atreides' after the Duke had.

"Let's get you out of the sun," Thufir said once they were settled in, "The heat can kill in this place." There was just enough space for the brother, their mother, Thufir Hawat, and the pilot. The 'thoper's wings fanned out and reminded Zane of a dragonfly. He missed the little creature already.

'They were pointing at us,' Paul said telepathically, looking at his brother. He didn't know how or why but he could use telepathy with his brother. 'What are they shouting?'

'Mum told me that Lisan al'Gaib meant "Voice from the Outer World." It's their name for Messiah. She didn't tell me anything else.'


(Pretend that all the scenes before this one happened cause they don't include Paul and I only do those ones really. I skipped the palm tree scene as well.)

Paul was quietly learning more about the Fremen in his room. He was sitting on his new bed observing the images of a Fremen sand walking. They used it so as not to attract the sandworms. He switched to the next part all about plant life on Arrakis. He was surprised anything could survive but the palm trees he saw were enough proof. He spotted a small creature among the projected incense bush. It looked like a mouse, small and delicate. He smiled, it was one of the few beings that could live in this unbearable weather.

The smile faded when he heard a small hissing sound like something burning through metal. Paul slowly turned around to see a hunter-seeker. What was that doing here? He thought that Thufir had thoroughly searched the place for any traps.

He was standing very still. Hunter-seekers killed whatever moved. He was tempted to reach for his shield but it was lying on his bed, out of reach.

Suddenly the small device floated silently but quickly towards Paul. He didn't move and the seeker stopped in front of his eye. How was he going to get out of this?

Then, the door swung open and the seeker immediately sailed towards the door intending to kill whoever entered. But Paul was fast on his feet. He caught it in his hand crushed it and stared at a bewildered Zane. He opened his palm revealing the squashed device.

"It's a hunter-seeker. The operator must be nearby," was all Paul could get out.

A million thoughts were screaming in the twins' minds. The most important one was 'Someone just tried to kill us and almost succeeded'.


I finally finished! I thought I never would with school.

I have a volleyball match at 5pm so wish me luck!

AGH I can't wait to get further into the book. I'm planning to make a second book, finishing this one when the first film ends!

Question: What is your favourite animal and colour?

My answer: My favourite animal is a bat. I love their fangs and they're SO CUTE. Search up images! And my favourite colour is yellow. I like pastel yellow best but any kind of yellow I love. It just makes me happy :)

Thank you soooooooo much and enjoy!

-Artemis <3

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