Chapter 2

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Paul was awoken by his mother that morning. She never woke Paul if there wasn't a good reason. She had told him to get dressed, that's what he was doing now. There was Dr. Yueh at his window with his mother. She separated from the Doctor to talk with Paul.

"What is this?" Paul asked.

"The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam is here. She was my teacher at the Bene Gesserit school. She's now Truthsayer to the Emperor himself. She would like to meet you. She wants to know about the dreams."

"How does she know about my dreams?" Paul asked puzzled. His mother didn't answer, she just shook her head slightly.

Dr Yueh checked Paul and concluded, "His heart is strong as ever, my lady." Yueh had told Paul to go carefully. That worried him more about the mysterious woman. To worry him further, she signed 'tell no one of this'. AND THEN, she signed 'remember your training'. To say it faintly, Paul was on edge.

He stood before the big dark door, waiting for his mother to go through. He stopped before entering but decided it was best not to hesitate. He didn't know what the Reverend Mother could do, and it was best not to ask either.

In the room, two chairs were facing each other, a few meters apart. In one of them was the Reverend Mother, in the other sat his brother. The look on his face told Paul he had no idea what was going on. He had been told to get dressed, sit in the chair and do everything the Reverend Mother told him to do.

All this lady wanted to do was ask him about his dreams. Why was he worrying? His mother had told him to remember his training. The Mentat training, the Bene Gesserit Way and the simple combat skills he knew came (Please tell me if something is missing, I won't usually mention any of this in my book since some of you may have only watched the films like me. I only know this because of another fanfiction I read).

"Defiance in the eyes. Like his father. Leave us," the Reverend Mother ordered His mother. Paul was angry and it was the voice of his mother who calmed him down slightly.

"You must do everything the Reverend Mother tells you." Paul watched as his mother left the room leaving him with the strange lady and his puzzled brother. The door closed and the anger came rushing back.

"You dismiss my mother in her own house."

"Come here." Paul obeyed instantly: The Voice. "Kneel." He calmed down. It was best not to anger this woman. The mask of defiance on Paul's face slipped for a moment as he knelt before the Reverend Mother.

"How dare you use the Voice on me," Paul responded, adjusting his mask to its original position. The Reverend Mother studied his defiant face, deciding if he should go through with the test or if she should give up on him and try the other boy who seemed more promising. Paul may be too defiant...

"Put your right hand in the box." She chose to give him a chance to be the One. Paul looked down as the Reverend Mother unveiled a grey, rectangular box. He suddenly felt calm. He remembered his mother's words, whatever lay in that box, his training would aid him.

"Your mother bade you obey me," she said when Paul took too long, running out of patience. He had already been given another chance. Paul shook his head slightly as if he was about to regret his next move. He slid his hand into the box. Nothing appeared to be in the battered box.

Suddenly the Reverend Mother shot her right hand up to the side of Paul's neck something glinting in the light. Zane flinched, thinking she was about to attack his beloved brother.

"I hold at your neck the Gom Jabbar, a poison needle, instant death. The test is simple, remove your hand from the box and you die." So that was the test. Fear crept back into Paul's mind.

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