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I jolted awake to icy water splashing over me, memories from middle school flooding back. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I cried out, struggling to compose myself. 

Diego stood before me, his gaze filled with anger and sadness, mirroring my own.

"Diego," I managed to say, voice trembling with agitation, "I thought you promised to leave me alone."

But deep down, I knew it wouldn't stop. This torment would only last until I left, or died. And thanks to my dad's insistence on staying here I'll have to deal with it for a couple weeks. Why is my life like this? I sighed, feeling the weight of everyone's hatred pressing down on me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the cold water stung my skin. I deserve this punishment, but enduring this every single day was unbearable, and I know it WILL only get worse.

I watched Diego leave my room, shutting the door behind him. I couldn't just sit here, could I? So I dragged myself up and headed for the shower, avoiding the mirror as always. I couldn't bear to see the scars that adorned my reflection. It kills me.

20 mins later





I stepped out of the shower, relishing the warmth that had washed over me. It felt so good, especially since it had been a while since I could indulge in a hot shower. Crazy, right? Don't ask why; I don't even know. 

Rummaging through my closet, I grabbed a hoodie and some shorts, making sure to cover my scars before anything else. I couldn't let anybody see them. After taking care of that, I reached for the painkillers. Headaches plagued me far too often. But before I could pop them, my phone rang. It was my dad. Ugh.

"Hello?" I answered with annoyance dripping from my tone. "Good morning, Nora! Your brother Lorenzo told me you're home with them. Are you enjoying the stay?" My dad's voice oozed with false cheerfulness, aggravating me even more. "NO! Of course, I'm not having a good time. When will my house be done?" I snapped, my frustration bubbling over. "Oh, about that," my dad began, and I could already sense bad news coming, "it will be done in a month, sorry to say."

"What?!" I practically screamed into the phone, pure anger pulsing through me. "DAD, ARE YOU SERIOUS? JUST BUY ME A HOUSE AT THIS POINT"

"Um, so yeah no, I'm sorry..." My dad's tone faltered, his earlier happiness dissipating. "So, I'll have to deal with my brothers who HATE ME? EVERY. SINGLE. DAY?" I yelled, my voice rising with each word. "SEE! This is why I didn't want to come. I HATE YOU!" I spat out before slamming the phone down in frustration.

NO! I refuse to stay here any longer. I can't do this again. I dashed to my closet, hastily throwing everything I could find into my bag – clothes, drugs, knives, money. Once packed, I grabbed it all and bolted downstairs. I'm not going to endure this, not again.

My brothers looked at me with confusion as I rushed past them. I think Lorenzo knew something was wrong or our father called him but either way I couldn't care less I think as I see him chasing after me, blocking my path. "Nora, go back to your room," he ordered, his deep brown eye glaring at me.

But I couldn't care less about his demands. I pushed past him, determination pulsing through me. I refuse to stay here and subject myself to this torment. He can't protect me, no matter how much he thinks he can.

Lorenzo's grip on my hand tightened, his frustration evident as he shouted, "Nora, go back to your room NOW!"

"LORENZO!" I shouted back, my own frustration boiling over. "I'm tired, I'm very tired. I can't do this anymore, AND I ONLY BEEN HERE FOR A DAY! A DAY. That's why I left before. Let me go now," I pleaded, my tone serious and resolute. I couldn't bear to endure this cycle all over again, reliving the pain of my past.

"Nora, I know, and I'm sorry... Please stay. We need you," Lorenzo's voice softened, his words tinged with misery. I stared at him, feeling a mix of confusion, frustration, anger, and emptiness swirling inside me. Despite everything, his plea touched something deep within me, stirring conflicting emotions I didn't know how to handle.

"Lorenzo," I whispered, my voice quivering with exhaustion and sorrow. "You guys... you've done enough. She was your mother, but she was mine too. I'm just... I'm so tired. Tired of being blamed, watched, and hated. I can't... I can't take it anymore. I'm done. If you all hate me so much, just let me live... far away from here, where I won't have to endure your accusing stares." I say glaring at my brothers before turning back to Lorenzo.

"And maybe it's time for you all to forget. Forget mom. Like I've been trying to forget everything," I murmured, the weight of my words heavy with despair.

"And you know what? Everything... everything you guys put me through... it's made me want to... to..." I trailed off, my throat tightening with emotion. Tears streamed down my cheeks, each one carrying a fragment of the pain that had consumed me for far too long.

As I collapsed to the ground, my mind felt like it was unraveling, like I was drowning in a sea of memories I had desperately tried to forget. Everything went blank, and the memories I wanted to escape flooded back with merciless clarity. I hated this, and every single moment of it. I want to end myself right now, I should've done so before. 

"Don't worry, Nora just sleep," Star said gently, her voice like a cozy hug. My mind was tired and sad, but her words brought some comfort.

As I drifted into darkness, I stopped thinking about everything. I just let myself fall asleep. It was a brief escape from all the chaos in my head.


whats your favorite song mine is bad by Wale super good song!

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