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Our lips met, and it felt surprising and intense. I felt a rush of excitement as we kissed, our tongues touching. When we stopped, we both seemed shocked. "Wow, that was unexpected," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry, Zeke."

But Zeke just smiled. "It's okay, Nora," he said kindly. "Let's just go to the party and have fun." And with that, we moved on, the memory of our kiss still on our minds.

Throughout the car ride, my mind raced with questions. Why did I kiss him? What if he doesn't like me now? Did he feel the same about the kiss? But as soon as I heard the party music, my thoughts faded. Zeke got out to open my door. "Stick close to me and don't wander off," he said seriously. "Got it, Zeke," I replied casually, grabbing his hand and heading inside.

I head straight to the drinks, downing each one with Zeke watching like I've lost it. But I need to let loose! Once I've downed them all, Zeke pulls me onto the dance floor. And what do I do? Start grinding on him, of course! He's my bestie, so it's cool. But then, I spot her. "Wow, she's so pretty, right Zeke? Should I go talk to her? Should I?" I blurt out excitedly. "Nora, she's pretty, but you don't know her—" Zeke tries to caution me, but I'm already running over to her. "Hey," I say, looking at her, but before she can respond, I do something bold—I kiss her. Wow! I've just kissed two people in a row!

As I continued to kiss her, Zeke quickly pulled me away, breaking the moment. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry about her. She's a bit... well, you know," Zeke apologized, shooting me a look that said, "What are you doing?"

The girl, surprisingly calm, nodded understandingly. "It's okay, I guess. Just make sure she doesn't cause any more trouble," she replied, her eyes flickering with a mix of amusement and concern.

But I couldn't help myself. My drunken mind was fixated on her. "Your eyes... they're stunning," I blurted out, feeling the words tumble out of me. "I mean, you're gorgeous, like, unbelievably gorgeous. I wish I could be the first one to tell you that." Embarrassment washed over me as I stumbled through my words, but I couldn't deny the truth behind them.

"Umm, okay? Just make sure she's okay," the girl replied, giving me a strange look before walking off to rejoin her friends.

"Nora, you can't just go around kissing random people!" Zeke scolded me, his expression a mix of shock and concern.

I shrugged off his advice. "You know me, Zeke. I don't care! Now let's go shake things up because this music is seriously lacking," I declared, shooting him a playful wink before seizing his hand and dragging him over to the DJ booth.

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