Veni, Vidi, Vici

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Lorelei meaning 'alluring temptress' originates from an old German legend where a beautiful girl sat by the river Rhine whose voice was so hauntingly beautiful and melodic that it lured sailors towards a series of hazardous rocks that would cause their ships to be sunk (often associated with Sirens)

Astra meaning Stars (her father wished to name her after a star but couldn't choose one so he chose them all)

Cessair meaning Sorrow or Affliction 

Irvine meaning Green or Freshwater (the last name can be linked to an early noble line that once resided in Ireland, Lorelei's mother is of  Celtic descent)


The Daughter of Death and Legacy of Magic, thought she could handle life and its inconsistencies from being her fathers only child and her grandparents favourite to being the Lord of the Underworld's favoured child but a certain boy that smelt like sea salt and felt like rain came into her life and spun her world on its axis and now...well she seems to only want to orbit him

or in which

Lorelei Astra Cessair Irvine didn't know what to think about the boy that had ocean for eyes


Quick Disclaimer! All character with the exception of Lorelei belong to Rick Riordan! Any addition dialogue and changes are my own! However most the storyline belongs to Rick.

This book is inspired by @princezukhoe cymophobia!

Story contains: Violence, Language, Mature themes (will be labelled and will be not be essential to the plot!) Mild gore, mentions of alcohol and substance use cause they are American teens guys c'mon. If you haven't noticed before i will once again point out that all character have been aged up two years save for Luke who remains 19 during The lightning thief and Nico who is aged up by 1 year. 


✧ Yor <3

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