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Today is Saturday, so I let myself sleep in. I usually stay in during weekends, to let myself rest. Just being around people in school, drains me.

I'm home alone and will be till next Saturday. Dad left me a note in the kitchen, saying he's on a business trip and will come back in a week. He also left me some money for groceries and other needs. He can act like a true father when he wants to. But usually doesn't.

Whenever we fight, he never apologises and always acts like nothing happened. It's annoying and immature. Also, he gets mad really quickly.

It's scary to live with him. Especially when he drinks. And trust me, he does that pretty often for a man who goes to work every day. When he drinks, he always hits me. No one knows about that, and I prefer to keep it that way. I don't think anyone would really care anyway.

One time, he got so mad at me for breaking a vase, that he threw all the bigger pieces at me. One of them left a scar on the side of my neck. When someone asks about it, I just tell them that I got it when I was little, and that I don't remember how I got it.

Ah! It started raining! Oh my God. I love rain. I feel calm when it rains. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like it. If I could, I would marry rain. That's probably the only time I would get married. Words cannot express how much I fucking love it when it rains.

Oh! I got a message from Aurora.


Hey, I was thinking that we
could go to this newly
opened art museum, just
outside the city. I'll pick you
up in an hour?

Yes!!! Omg, can't wait:)

Well, I guess I won't be staying in this weekend. But I don't mind. I freaking love art museums!!! Even though I suck at art, I love staring at other peoples art. They're so talented. Aurora knows me too well.

I guess in the meantime, I'll go pick out an outfit and get ready. So, first I need to take a warm shower.

I took off all of my clothes and let them slide slowly down my body. I got into the shower and quickly turned on the warm water. It felt amazing.

I scrubbed everywhere, making sure I am clean and also feel clean. I used vanilla scented products, and washed my body with them. I love smelling like vanilla. I remember my mom always smelled like vanilla. So the smell brings me comfort. I washed my hair and dried myself off with a soft towel.

I blow dried my hair and oiled my ends. My hair feels so soft. I would do a hairstyle, but I don't really know how. I can braid, but it just never turns out right. It always looks bad. My mom never taught me how to do basic hairstyles, neither was she able to.

I looked at the time and realised I only have fifteen minutes left, so I quickly went to my bedroom and picked out an outfit. I decided to wear a white button up shirt with a black leather jacket and a black tennis skirt.

I quickly put on some mascara and sprayed some perfume on. Then I made my way downstairs.

Aurora called, to tell me that she's waiting for me outside, so I wasted no time to put on my low Doc Martens, and rushed outside.

She gasps softly as I get in. "My, my... You look absolutely magnificent, Grace." Aurora compliments me.

"Why, thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I smile at her.

"Thanks, you ready to go?" She asks as she starts the car. "Yes, we can go." I reply.

While driving to the art museum we were blasting Lana Del Rey in the car. We both love her and her music. The time passed quickly and we arrived to our destination. The museum is huge! I don't know how I didn't know about it.

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