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After Art ended, I was making my way through the narrow halls towards my next lesson.


I have it with Aurora. She keeps me awake during that lesson, otherwise I would fall asleep from boredom.

I'm good at science, I always have amazing grades. The problem, is that the teacher talks very slowly and boringly.

As I'm passing through people, someone pushes me. My first thought was that it was on accident.

Well that was until I turned around, and saw a familiar face.

It was that new girl, that almost made me sprain my ankle. She had also slapped and hit my face before.

I still don't get it.

What did I ever do to her?

I was about to go to her until I heard Aurora's voice behind me.


Turning around, I made my way to Aurora.

"Hey!" I stopped and said to Aurora.

"Who was that girl that pushed you?" She questioned me, squinting her eyes.

"I don't know her... She has also hit me in my face before. I still don't understand what I did to her." I explain sighing. My gaze fixating on the girl standing in the middle of the hall, glaring at me.

"She has hit you before?!" A shocked expression formed on Aurora's face followed by a quick furrow. "This bitch." She said through gritted teeth as she rolled up her sleeves.

"Calm down, Rora." I put my hands on her shoulders trying to soothe her.

"How do you expect me to be calm about this, Grace?! That bitch will not mess with my best friend!"

I removed my hands from her shoulders and sighed.

My eyes wandered all over the place, until I saw that Aurora has already gone to that girl.

"What is your problem with Grace?!" I can hear her loud voice echoing through the now empty hall. The lesson has already started. We're going to get into so much trouble.

"She stole my fucking boyfriend with her pathetic little face!" The girl shouts back. Anger is clear in her eyes.

Her boyfriend? What is she talking about?

Loudly stomping my feet, I make my way towards them.

"Who is your boyfriend?" I cross my arms, my eyes wandering all over her face, taking in her features. Finally, settling down on her eyes.

"Simon Walker." She replies furiously.

I scoff and uncross my arms. "I don't even know who the fuck that is. And for your information, I'm not interested in relationships." I replied harshly. My face blank, not exposing any of the emotions I'm feeling at the moment.

My eyes start wandering all over the place. Once they settle down on a pair of familiar eyes, that's when I feel my cheek sting.

That fucking bitch slapped me.

Just as Aurora raises her hand to slap that girl, I grab her arm. Clearly, I'm upset by this whole situation. But acting like that girl, makes me no better than her.

"Stop, Rora. Violence is not the answer."

I look down at my feet as I let go of Rora's arm and rub my cheek.

"What is going on here?" I hear a harsh voice echo through the hall. I look up meeting Charlotte's gorgeous dark blue eyes.

She witnessed half of this shit. Gosh, how embarrassing.

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