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The one who can't love huh?

I always somehow end up hurting people. Maybe love is just not for me? Oh, but how I crave it...

Luna is the only one who hasn't given up on me. She often tells me how I just need someone to change my way of thinking.

But will I ever even meet that special someone?

Right now, I'm more than terrified of hurting Grace. I haven't disappointed her...yet.

There's something about Grace, that pulls me towards her. It wants to suck me in.

I feel the need to get to know her better, to treat her better, to care for her, to get closer to her.

To love her.

No. I'm not someone who is capable of loving another human being.

I've learnt that the hard way.


Today is my sixth birthday!

I invited all of my friends to come to my birthday party. However, no one came.

Maybe they're all busy?

I'll ask them tomorrow on Monday. They probably just couldn't come.

I should go help my mom!

"Mom! Mom!" I ran outside shouting and looking around for my mother.

"What is it?" Mom asked me as she stared down at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked excitedly, jumping up and down on my feet.

"Uhm, okay. Can you pick up as many rocks as you can find?"

"Mhm!!" I nodded quickly and started picking up rocks.

After about ten minutes, the little bucket I had was almost full of rocks. I still needed some more so I looked around.

Oh my! That's a huge rock.

I took a few deep breaths and gathered all my strength to pick up this big rock.

As I was pacing towards my mom with the big rock in my hands, I shouted.

"Mom! Look at this rock I found!"

"Careful, Lott!"

Just as I was about to stop, I stumbled upon something and fell down, the rock hit my mom's foot.

She screamed in pain and fear washed over me.

"I told you to be careful! No one will love you if you're this clumsy!!!"

I only wanted to help her...

Monday came, I rolled out of my bed and dressed up. Quickly had breakfast and left.

I really want to know why no one came to my birthday party. I'm guessing they had some kind of problems and that's why they couldn't come.

I ran to the park.

"Hey friends!" I said hello to the girls in the park. "Why didn't you come to my birthday party?" I asked curiously, anticipating what their answer would be.

"Why would we go there?" One girl asked annoyed.

"Yeah, you're weird." Another girl added.

"And her parents too." The third girl said and crossed her arms. "It's obvious they don't love her." She whispered to the other girls. But it was loud enough for me to hear.

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