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What have I gotten myself into?

Did she just say that she likes me..?

I shouldn't be immature in this situation; I should make it clear to her that she has no chance with me. So she doesn't get her hopes up...

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed her staring at me. Her eyes widened for a second.

"For how long have you been awake..?" She slowly asked me.

"The whole time." I muttered.

"Shit." She mumbled and looked away.

"So, what is your answer?" Charlotte asked me slowly and carefully."I know you don't date..."

"I... My answer will be no." I looked away. "I don't date, and on top of that, I don't have any feelings for you, I think." I mumbled the last part very quietly.

"Can I ask you a personal question?" Charlotte's voice cracked.

"Yes?" I looked back at her hurt eyes.

"Why don't you date? Did something happen before or...?" She questioned me.

"There are various reasons for that..." I answered quietly.

"And what is the biggest reason of them all?" Charlotte put her hand atop of mine, wishing I could just answer her asked question.

I stayed quiet for a few minutes before mustering up the courage to reveal my biggest reason of why I don't date to Charlotte.

"I feel like no one will ever truly love me." I looked away from Charlotte and silently revealed something I've kept to myself for years.

Charlotte squeezed my hand as soon as she heard my answer. "What made you think like that?" She questioned me more. Charlotte's face relaxed as she waited for me to speak.

"People." I answered simply.

"Why don't you let me prove it to you, how much I truly like and cherish you." Charlotte's eyes lit up as she suggested something.

I sat up and looked down at Charlotte, who was sitting on the ground and looking up at me with her enchanting deep blue eyes.

"What? And how would you prove that to me?" I questioned her suggestion.

"Let's date—"

"No." I reply quickly.

"You didn't let me finish." She tilted her head as she stared into my eyes.

"Continue." I crossed my arms.

"Give me a month to prove it to you; how much I like you."

"So what you're suggesting, is to date for a month?" I hesitantly asked her.

"Yes." She nodded.

"I don't know..." I answered uncertainly. "I don't feel comfortable with this idea. And, I feel scared just thinking about it." I explained to Charlotte.

"I understand..." She said. "Could it be that you're scared of change?" She asked me cautiously.

"I don't know... Maybe?" I wanted to say more than just maybe, I wanted to explain everything that was going through my head. But I stopped myself. No one cares anyway, right?

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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