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Y/n:- *she went towards her cupboard to take out her clothes not knowing that it'll only shatter her heart into pieces*

Y/n:- *as she opened the cupboard she was finding a good dress that's when a letter fell from there which was kept on one of her folded dresses*

Y/n:- *she took the letter in confusion & opened it but as soon as she read what was written inside that letter her eyes got teary & her heart got shattered into millions of pieces*

Y/n:- W-Wae?!! Andei!!! Wae!!!...*she cried while breaking down into tears while she sat on the bed crying hard*

Y/n:- Why Tae?! Why you?! Why are you doing this?!!....*crying hard*

Y/n:- I-I will not let this happen!!...I-I've to do something!!...*she said while still crying*

Saying this she stood up & took a long lengthy jacket which was like a long dress & wore it on top of that bathrobe & went outside while her tears didn't stop flowing from her doe eyes....


She reached their mansion car place and saw Eunwoo standing there...he looked shocked and happy to see her awake but she didn't mind his reaction at all and went towards him..

Y/n:- E-Eunwoo oppa take me to your Mafia King!!...*she said while her eyes were teary and body was shaking*

Eunwoo:- b-but why Mrs.Kim?!...you don't seem good at all!...*he said while being worried at her look*

Y/n:- PLEASE I SAID! TAKE ME TO YOUR BOSS RIGHT NOW!! I SAID!!!...*she spoke with a firm tone and teary eyes*

Eunwoo:- *he got a shock seeing her like this but then agreed and opened the car door for her*

Y/n:- Thank you Eunwoo oppa!! Please take me there!!...*she said as she fastened the seat belt*

●●●●●TIME SKIP●●●●●

Within 30 minutes they reached Kim Industries and she immediately got out of the car and ran upstairs towards his office...

Eunwoo:- Wait!! Mrs.Kim!! Why is she behaving like this?!...*he seemed confused and feeling strange at her this behavior*

Y/n came upstairs to the 35th floor as she knows his office floor...she immediately got out of the elevator and ran towards his office...everyone seemed shocked to see her there like that...her hairs were wet and she was wearing a long jacket and was bare foot...she didn't care about what people will think about her sudden appearance here after so many months...

She came and directly went inside his cabin without knocking as she was already red in hurt and becuz of crying hard...
She pushed the door of his cabin and went inside while shedding tears...

Taehyung:- What the fuc--- Y-Yn?!!...Y-You're awake!!...*he spoke astonished at her sudden appearance there like this*

Taehyung:- Get out everyone!!....*he spoke in his dangerous cold usual tone to his employees who were there to discuss some business*

Everyone immediately got out of his cabin while bowing towards him then they looked at her and bowed towards her too as she was their queen...

After everyone left he pressed the button on his table which automatically closed the door of his cabin and switched on the sound proof mode of his cabin so that their voice couldn't be heard outside his cabin...

𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲❗️Where stories live. Discover now