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Y/n woke up as the sunlight was falling on her beautiful small face making her look even more beautiful & elegant...

She looked beside her & saw the person whom she doesn't wanna see & also Can't stay without seeing his face either...

Y/n:- *she looked at his face which was shining in the sunlight making him look surreal and calm, there was calmness and peacefulness showing on his face while he was asleep unlike the other time when he's awake behaving like a hungry beast who's just after her sensitive flesh of skin*

Y/n:- Why u look so calm and handsome when you are asleep?!...*caressing his cheek with a lil smile on her small face*

Y/n:- Why do you always do this with me huh?!...why can't you just act normal like other people do with their spouses?!...*a painful smile formed on her face while her eyes became teary*

Y/n:- What am I even thinking?!...I'm not even your girlfriend! I'm just your pleasure toy! Your freaking sex toy!...You d-don't love me even a lil bit!...y-you are just obsessed with my b-body!!...*her tears fell from her eyes due to the realization that she's just nothing but a sex toy for him*

Y/n:- *as she was crying silently her tears fell on his cheek as she was slightly hovering him*

Taehyung:- *he woke up after felt something wet dropped on his cheeks and slowly opened his eyes*

Y/n:- *she immediately got alert as saw him moving so she wiped off her tears & backed away from him & was about to get up but----

Taehyung:- *he immediately grabbed her tiny waist from the back & pulled her back on the bed*

Y/n:- ahh!...*she winced in pain as she fell on his chest & as her body was aching so bad after yesterday's rough night*

Taehyung:- Where do you think you are going babygirl?!...*he said while flipping their positions & now hovering over her petite figure*

Y/n:- I-I was j-just going to the bathroom...*she said with her usual soft yet lil scared tone while looking down*

Taehyung:- Were you crying earlier babygirl?!...*he said while lifting her face making her look up at him*

Y/n:- N-no d-daddy! I-I wasn't!!...*she said while stuttering due to nervousness *

Taehyung:- oh really?! Then why the hell are your eyes red?!...*he said while cupping her face lil firmly*

Y/n:- I-I told y-you naa I-I wasn't crying!!...*she said while stuttering trying hard to make him believe*

Taehyung:- You know it already babygirl that I freaking hate lies!!...Still u tried to lie to me huh!!...*he husked deeply into her ear while slightly nibbling on her neck*

Y/n:- P-please d-daddy stop!!...*she said while controlling her tears as his hand was caressing her tiny waist slowly going down*

Taehyung:- You know it already Kitten that you are not allowed to shed a single drop of tear except when I'm fucking you hard on the bed!!!...*he said while removing the blanket from her naked body harshly*

Y/n:- N-no!! P-please d-don't do this please!!...*she said with extreme fear as she knows what he's gonna do with her now*

Taehyung:- I hate it when these tears of yours are wasted when it's not bcuz of me fucking you hard!!...*he roared angrily & pulled her under him & spread her legs wide open harshly*

Y/n:- ahh!!...*she screamed in pain as her whole body was soared already making her tears fell from her doe eyes*

Taehyung:- You need a punishment babygirl!! Then you'll know that even on your tears it's my right!! They should only come out when I fuck you hard!!...*he smirked dangerously looking at her already crying petite figure*

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