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Author's Pov-

They were back at their mansion in seoul from the yacht vacation and was currently sitting in the living room watching TV...

she was sitting on his lap all wrapped up in his muscular strong arms leaning her head on his shoulder as her back was pressed against his muscular chest...

After a while she fell asleep in his lap while still wrapped up in his arms making him chuckled slightly at her cute sleeping figure in his arms...

He let her sleep in his arms on his lap for a bit before they heard the footsteps of an expensive shoes nearing the living room where they were settled on the sofa...


Taehyung's Pov-

I sighed deeply as I knew whose footsteps were they...I looked down at my little wife who was stirring awake before she finally opened her almond doe eyes slowly directly boring into mine making me smile softly at her innocent features....

"I'm glad you're awake Chéri! we've a guest here we'll actually a surprise for ya!"...*I spoke with a tender voice making her sat beside me on the sofa*

"W-what a guest and surprise?!...who is the gues---...*she asked confused before turning around but her eyes widened seeing the person infront of her standing*

As expected her reaction was worth seeing it as I saw happy tears welled up in her eyes seeing her elder sister Sarah standing infront of her smiling fondly at her....

She hastily got up from the sofa and ran in her sister's embrace while her eyes never stop shedding tears of joy and contentment....

I smiled seeing her happy and content after finally meeting her elder sister whom she was longing to see for so long...

As I was smiling looking at my little wife my gaze shifted to their side making my face hardened with a low grunt seeing my hyung standing their with no emotion on his face...

I slowly approached him towering over his 5'9 physique with a cold yet upset look making him sigh deeply and look down before meeting my sharp yet cold gaze again...

"Hyung, we need to talk! Let's go from here!...*I spoke with usual cold tone but a hint of anger and disappointment was laced with my tone*

"Ma Chéri, we men need to discuss about something serious so we'll be in my study room Alright!"...*I spoke softly at her making her finally look at the person beside me with a confused gaze before nodding her head at last*

I turned around and started walking towards my study room while he silently followed me behind knowing very well what 'something serious' we were gonna talk upstairs...



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