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                     (Next Morning)-

Taehyung's Pov-

I woke up as the warm sunshine passed through the glass window of our suite room making me stir a little...

A soft small tugged at my corner of lips as I felt my world, my little wife in my arms sleeping peacefully covered in the duvet warmly...

I slowly tugged a stray hair strand behind her ear looking at her with adoration and love...

I still can't believe that a stone hearted, a cold ruthless monster like me can fall for a sweet innocent angel like her who's only known to kindness and sweet nature unlike me a Cruel Mafia King who only knows how to snatch away people's lives in a swift...

I chuckled slightly as I noticed her shift a little in her sleep and scoot closer towards my broad chest snuggling like a baby hugging me with her little petite body...

I hugged her back while ruffling her hairs sweetly cooing her in my embrace for a while before deciding to wake her up as it's time to wake up now...

"Baby wake up! Time to get off from bed sweetheart! Wake up my sleeping beauty!"...*I spoke with a soft smile playing on my lips while gently kissing her neck*

I looked at her as she stirred a little before finally opening her almond doe eyes slowly while looking at me with a small pout on her lips making my heart flutter at her innocence...

"Good morning angel, did you sleep well?"...*I asked while caressing her soft cheeks with my thumb*

"Morning Tae! And i-i slept good!"...*she spoke with her usual soft shy tone*

I chuckled at her response as I saw her shy innocent face knowing exactly why she's being this shy...

"Well babygirl last night was quite a fun night, wasn't it?!...I'm thinking if we could do something like that in morning too"...*I winked at her teasingly while brushing my lips against her neck*

"Tae! You're so shameless you know! Stop it naa!"...*she blushed at my words playfully hitting my buff chest*

"Well I can't help it sweetheart! You make me go crazy when you're around me"...*I pulled her on top of me while looking at her with a wicked grin*

"W-what are you doing Tae?! Leave me naa! I-i need to take a shower"...*she spoke while her cheeks turned crimson red in shyness at my actions*

"Alright my love, but let's take a shower together to save the water to mankind"...*I chuckled at my own words as it didn't make any sense according to my nature*


After taking the shower together while doing naughty things with her, they both got ready into their casual clothes for the surprise he had specially planned to surprise her and make her happy and content...

Y/n's Pov-

I was so shocked yet surprised to see him in casual clothes for the very first time in these months as I've never seen him in another attire than his usual expensive tuxedo suits and Mafia King aura...but today for the first time ever I saw a bright, a totally different side of him which was loving and somehow peaceful unlike his usual cold cruel demeanor...

I wonder why he was never like this in past months since I've met him?

He was always cold and rude with a Arrogant and ruthless cruel aura surrounding his dangerous Mafia demeanor...

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