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"What do you see in those yellow eyes?

               Cause I'm falling to pieces."

I jump into the air and shift into my wolf form, sprinting as fast as I can once my paws land on ground

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I jump into the air and shift into my wolf form, sprinting as fast as I can once my paws land on ground. I don't have time to think as the wind rustles my fur and hits my face, causing me to squint my eyes slightly.

Once I reach the tree that was marked with my clothing, I shift back and laugh as I jog forward a little from the pressure of running. I turn around to stare at a white wolf standing next to tree, panting just as I am.

"I won! Just as always." I claim my title again.

Rematch. My brother practically orders me in my mind. I shut him out, closing my mind with barriers and walls he can't penetrate.

"No. I've won all three races now. I'm tired, just admit you lost and shift back." I tell him, throwing his clothes at his wolf. He growls before he takes his clothes in his mouth and runs away. I chuckle a little at his humiliation and anger.

Standing near the tree and wearing my clothes again, I have a nice, calming stroll back, heading to the main land. I slowly realise that I was caught off guard as the peaceful atmosphere allowed me to lay my mind back into the open, and I realise so by a sudden interruption in my head: come back. Dad is looking for you. Urgent.

That's all my brother says before he's out of my mind. I sigh loudly, hoping by some miracle he could hear. Now, I'd have to cut my stroll short, but I wasn't too mad about it. I walk faster, not intending to shift again, which makes my wolf feel caged, but I promise her a run during tonight. She relaxes.

When I reach my house and pass the door, I could see my dad, brother and Dixon huddled up, having a quiet conversation. So quiet or so secretive because even though I approach them, no one notices me until I'm standing right next to Dixon, clearing my throat.

"Ah, Ivy, why so late?" My dad inquires, and I give him a small smile, bothered by his remark.

"What do you need from me?" I ask, waiting to be given a duty to finish, but instead I'm given something completely out of the blue.

"You know we're preparing for your brother's ceremony soon, and..." he takes a moment of self-doubt before he continues, "we want to see what you think with the plans we've come up so far."

"Plans?" I say, confused. Irritated.

Ivor catches on to my uneasiness. "Dad, I already told you its fine."

"No, we need a second opinion on this." He states firmly, gesturing for Dixon to lead me wherever my opinion was apparently needed.

I follow Dixon but only after I make sure to glare holes into my dad's face. I don't think he realises.

"How was your run?" Dixon asks, and I smile, happy to know someone still cares enough about me.

"It was great. I beat Ivor again." I flex my skills, and he nods.

"As expected from you." He agrees.

In the moment of silence that follows next, I can't help but feel sad. I'd always imagined Dixon would once be my Beta to order around. He'd always play along with me, too. And now that childlike fantasy would never come true.

He leads me out of our house from the back, closest to where the packhouse is. As expected, this is where my brother's ceremony will be.

Here in blood moon pack, our ceremony to becoming an Alpha is unique. With over thirteen years of carrying this tradition, it has become no strange thing among our pack. My brother would be expected to drink blood out of my dad's wolf. This tradition had been frowned upon by other packs, but soon their disagreement quieted down. Why did such a tradition exist? I have the answer memorised.

To borrow strength from the previous ruling Alpha who was once in the position of the upcoming one, drinking the blood of the Alpha before him. This tradition proves that with every Alpha ruling over our pack, they'd only become stronger since they were borrowing more strength from previous Alphas, building up on each other like some sort of Lego set.

"To become an Alpha, one must truly understand when to draw blood." I'd practically recite to myself every morning. I guess my manifestations did not work, regardless of how much I've tried.

"We're here." Dixon announces, pulling me out of my trance.

"Oh." I say, looking around the reception of pack house, where we stood now. It was completely empty and clean. No one was in the room but us either, and I can't help but notice the echo with every step I took.

"And what exactly does dad need my opinion with?" I ask ridiculously, feeling out of place.

"Well, you know your father." He starts, seeming obviously distressed. "He just wanted to know if we should use this room and if we should start decorating it."

"And he wanted to hear that from me?" I practically yell, the echo making my voice louder than it actually was.

"Ivor suggested you... um..." he takes a moment to cough and clear his throat, "be responsible of the organising. He has important things to attend to."

I start fuming that I can already imagine what I looked like without having to look in a mirror. Face red, nostrils wide open to allow the smoke to leave me and eyes yellow as my wolf surfaces. Unable to control her, I give up. She has every right to feel robbed. And I do as she suggests.

I storm out of the room.

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