Chapter seven

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The packhouse was a lot different than yesterday, and I have a feeling it is my mother's fault. Staying behind for almost the entire day, with none of our pack members, I can just imagine her decorating and organising this party with the ladies and maids.

Booths were placed in the garden right in front of the main door, where families were all gathering, playing games together and laughing. I was walking with the tight dress my friend had thrown at me and ordered that I would immediately try it on. The second I leave my changing room to show her, she's grabbing me and rushing us out of my room and now we were here.

"Is this some kind of party?" I ask her by yelling over the loud music, confused. She's wearing a dress similar to mine but with a different colour and a different style.

"What does it look like?" Rue responds sarcastically by yelling back and taking a huge gulp from her drink immediately after. She was still holding my hand, leading me to a place, and we both looked ridiculous as we stumbled on the grass multiple times with high heels.

Rue was one of my childhood friends from the school's rugby team. Although our schools were meant to be for werewolves, they were designed similarly to how human high schools were. Rue and I had become friends over a very awkward scenario of us fighting to be the rugby champion in our girls' team. Although an Omega, Rue has got to be the most competitive girl I've met in sports. Her physique was bigger than usual, and she was one of our best combat fighters.

We passed lots of young pups dancing after one of our elementary school teachers in the middle of the yard. Some of them had wolf paintings on their face or neck which looked really nice.

"Hey, wanna get one of those?" I ask Rue, pointing at a kid that has a painting of an open blood wound on their neck. Rue takes a moment to search for it before examining it.

"Of course." She agrees, letting go of her grip on my hand as we make it to the face painting booth.

One of our oldest teachers in the school was sitting on the chair, giving us a big smile as she sees us approach. High school art students were the ones giving the actual paintings, and I remember a time when I had done a similar job.

"Ivy. Rue. What a wonderful surprise!" The teacher greets us, and we both greet her back instantly. Chelsea was one of our best teachers back when we were still in school, and it was amazing to reunite with her again.

"You two want a painting?" She asks happily. I nod to her before Rue turns to me, placing both her hands on my shoulders. The glass she was holding was resting on my shoulder as well, as she was still gripping it.

"You know what, I might just get a bite mark on my neck..." She suggests as if it were a crazy idea to do such a thing. I laugh at her before shoving her hands off of me and she's still looking at me to see what my response would be.

"Why?" I inquire jokingly when I realise, she was being serious.

"Ugh, please! This is like a one time in a year event, c'mon. Do you know how much Alphas are packed in this house?!" She whispers the last sentence to my ear. I roll my eyes at her before I agree.

Rue and I are sitting in front of each other, our heads tilted to the side to expose our necks to the high school students that were working on our skin. Rue was keeping us entertained so far by talking about the things we want to do next.

"Oh my God, you know what? I just got the best idea ever! We should get ice creams after this." She's nodding her head now to show how crazy the sudden realisation fell upon her and how she hadn't thought of that idea first. The student working on her asks her to stay still, so she does, feeling humiliated.

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