Chapter one

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I'm standing on a pedestal but not for the reason you'd imagine.

Well, it's not really a pedestal, but I hoped I could close my eyes and ignore the constant pulling and measuring that was happening around me, imagining myself finally standing in front of my pack with my father's blood dripping down my mouth and a very clear label written all over my face. Alpha. The title I deserve. 

And that's why when I look down and am met with the running women that keep taking my measurements to make final touches to my dress am I suddenly saddened by my situation.

The desk that I was imagining just a second ago to be holding my statue is old and brown, made out of wood. It is not fit for an Alpha.

I'd always believed that anyone who would take a look at my brother and I, standing next to each other as equals as we've always done for the past eighteen years, would think me to be the better option. I was older, faster and smarter. The only problem: a female. A wolf that is not fit for the Alpha title when standing next to her brother's wolf because our physique was very different. I was smaller. Only by an inch, but apparently that's what makes a difference.

I try to control my anger when one of the ladies addresses me regarding my clenched fists. "You made sure to make me the best-looking person in the room, correct?" I ask her. The poor lady who had to talk to me was now going to have to come to terms with my line of questioning.

She looks down and gives me a small nod. "Yes, we've tried. Though this should be mainly reserved to the Luna, she's asked us to do it for you." She informs me. 

My heart feels warm at the mentioning of my mother and her constant attempts at making me the best in the room. Even so that she's willing to make me outstand even her.

The ceremony begins. Although the ladies made sure to have me ready before the ceremony by an hour, as ordered by their new Alpha, I make sure to enter the reception late.

I look around, staring at the decorations, booths, chairs and bars I've installed into the room. I organised it the way I would've wanted mine. Ivor knows that.

The room is packed. My wolf immediately hates it and retreats due the number of different scents in one room. I am greeted by many pack members; as they are obligated to shake my hand, too, before the ceremony begins. 

As I greet all of them, I give them warm smiles and even hug young pups whenever they try to shake my hand. I secretly hope for my brother not to make an appearance anytime soon.

Flashbacks of my young, enthusiastic self-standing next to my brother whenever my father would greet Alphas into our territory. A flashback of my outstretched hand that gets rejected as they would need to shake my brother's hands first. I remember the feeling just as if it was yesterday. The feeling of humiliation of having an outstretched hand that was rejected and ignored until my brother was done shaking his hand off. The feeling of having to ignore my own emotions and fake a smile as they turn to shake my hand next, taking the hand that has been levitating in the air for almost an entire minute.

I'm glad Ivor at least gives me this once chance. I appreciate his absence.

When people stop hovering over me, I'm finally able to look around the room. Familiar scents lingered around, but not ones I could ignore as they were unusual. Many Alphas and betas were clearly in the room, though none would approach me as it is below them to greet me. I snort. Like they'd even deserve to shake my sacred hand.

I make my way to the bar where I'm complimented by the bartender about my attire. I thank him before he gives me my drink and I can finally sit down. I stay there for a while in silence, pondering over my endless to-do list that I'll have to get back to when I smell someone sit next to me.

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