Chapter Four

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Wooyoung was exausted.

He was currently laying on his couch with a throbbing headache and a terrible hangout. Last night he had gotten so drunk that Seonghwa had to drag him into his own car and drive him to his apartment. The worst part was that he could still remember crearly how his besfriend had started talking about the singer of the band that had performed and how his eyes had lit up.

He hated it.

Why couldn't Wooyoung be the reason Seonghwa's eyes shone so brightly?

They had been besfriends for five years and he had been hiding his crush on the older for four years now. Sometimes he wished Seonghwa would notice, call him out on that, maybe reject him, or maybe return his feelings, even if the last option he was sure was never going to happen.

Because Seonghwa had never seen him as more than a bestfriend.

He had never had a chance in the first place honestly.

Ever since they knew each other Seonghwa always talked to him about his crushes, or about the guys he dated, he never once saw how Wooyoung looked at him sadly whenever he would advert his gaze or how he always thought about the times they were together.

And that night he even gave his number to a complete stranger. Well, he wasn't really a stranger he guessed since he told them his name, but still, Wooyoung didn't know him.

But maybe Seonghwa was right about him needing new friends. He just didn't want to accept that fact.

He lazily dragged himself off the couch and walked to the kitchen cabinet in which he kept his medicines, taking out some painkillers and a little container. He grabbed a glass from his dishwasher and filled it with water.

He took one of the painkillers and gulped it down with a sip of water, then he stopped to look at the other little container. He hated that little with thing, full of what helped him go through his days. He hated having to rely on a pill to be able to live his life.

He had been suffering of depression for the past seven years, since his mother had passed away and he was left alone to take care of his grandfather and his little brother alone. His father had already left them when he was little, so he couldn't ask him for help, and his little brother was too young to even understand what was going on.

Bacuse of that he was always pressed down by this weight he never even asked to be resposible for. So when he was finally old enough, afer a lot of tears and sleepless nights spent thinking, he took his grandfather to a nursing home and put his brother up for adoption. He knew he shouldn't have done that, but it was what was needed for him not to go completely insane.

He brought one of the oh so hated pills to his lips and put in on the back of his tongue. He brought up his glass and took a big gulp of water as he ingested the medicinal and sighed afterwards.

His besfriend didn't know any of this.

They were close, yeah, but Wooyoung never told him about everything that had happened in his past, nor that he was depressed. He didn't want him to pity him.

He walked back to the living room, to the couch he probably collapsed on the night prior when Seonghwa had brought him home to look for his phone, before realizing that it had been in his pocket the whole time. Did he really manage to sleep with a phone in the pocket of his skinny jeans? He must have been really wasted.

He unlocked it and plugged in the charger that he always kept beside his couch, just to be sure, and he scrolled through his notification.

There were a couple of messages from Seonghwa, a few notifications of some stupid game he had downloaded a few weeks prior to kill the time, and two messages from an unknown number.

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