Chapter Eleven

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"You'll never guess what happened!!!" Yunho burst into him apartment to a startled Yeosang sitting mindlessly on their couch.

The younger looked up to him from his phone, and after the initial scare his roommate had given him, he displayed a big grin, leaning on the back of the couch.

"As if you running away from practice looking at your phone didn't already give that away."

Yunho walked closer to Yeosang and propped himself down beside him on the soft cushions, his smile never faltering on his lips and a bright sparkle in his eyes.

"He's gorgeous Yeosang, I swear, and he's even kinder in person!! His smile—"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. You're completely head over heels for this man. Have you finally found out his name?"

Yunho nodded eagerly at his besfriend. He really couldn't keep his excitment to himself, he was just too happy to have finally met the person he had been crushing on for the past few months that he was overjoyed.

"It's Seonghwa!"

Yeosang looked lost in thoughts for a moment, but then he shrugged it off once Yunho started speaking again.

"But what about you? Did you tell Jongho??"

Yunho watched his besfriend as Yeosang immediately turned red at his remark. Of course Yunho knew, Yeosang was his roommate after all.

Plus Yunho had pestered Yeosang 'till exaustion after the younger had told him he had decided to break up with his girlfriend, and Yeosang was forced to tell him the truth after Yunho had came banging at his bedroom door in the middle of the night because of his curiosity.

Yunho poked his besfriend's cheek, satisfied with the reaction he got out of him.

"...We just talked. I didn't tell him yet."

Yunho audibly gasped and a loud "Why?!" echoed in their apartment living room.

Yeosang simply shook his head, the red dusting his cheeks fading slightly to leave its place to a saddened expression.

"I don't know Yun," Yeosang sighed fixing his gaze on the floor before him, "He probably doesn't even see me that way... And he's San's brother!! How am I supposed to tell San I like his brother just like that?"

Yunho took a careful look at his besfriend's pained expression. He found himself hugging him without even thinking about it.

He loved Yeosang, he was probably the person he was the closest with, so seeing him down like that obviously pained his heart too, even with the knowdeledge that he had finally discovered his crush's name.

When Yeosang's body started shaking and a quiet sob reached his ears he tightened his grip around his bestfriend's frame, leaning his head on Yeosang's blond hair.

"How about we order chicken tonight? Would that make you feel better?"

Yeosang sniffed and lifted his head to meet Yunho's gentle eyes.

"...But you hate when I order chicken..."

"I don't, It's just, your little obsession can be a lot to bear with sometimes. C'mon, I'll cal the place."

Yunho stood up from the couch, reaching for his phone he had previously left on the counter while Yeosang took a few more moments to recompose himself and actually stand up from the comfort their couch offered him.


Wooyoung hated this.

He hated having to be apart from Seonghwa.

But this was the only way, wasn't it?

Almost a week had passed since he told Seonghwa he needed space, and he was doing worse by the day.

He wasn't going out, he wasn't talking to anyone, he even forgot to eat sometimes.

Al because of a stupid crush. A stupid, damned crush.

Maybe it was the desolation, or maybe he just needed to actually talk to another human being when he had taken his phone and called one of the last persons he had ever expected to call in his life.

No, it wasn't Seonghwa.

It was a ceirtain pink haired guy that so casually had immediately pucked up the call and that now -from what Wooyoung knew- was on his way to pick him up from his apartment.

Wooyoung was ready. As soon as the call had ended he had immediately rushed to shower, put on some clean clothes, and tame the bird nest that his hair had been for the past couppe of days.

His phone notified him of a new text message, and after glancing at the luminous screen he grabbed his bag (he put his phone, wallet and tissues there, you can never be prepared enough in life) and walked lazily out of his apartment and into the parking lot, dragging his feet.


here San was standing propped up against the side of his car, his eyes lazily fixated on his phone. He probably expected a text message back from Wooyoung, so he got startled when the dark haired male appeared right in front of him without a sound.

Wooyoung focused on anything and everything that might get his thoughts drawn away from Seonghwa. He let his gaze linger on San, they way the man smiled at him once he finally composed himself after being scared only a moment ago, the oversized light blue hoodie he was wearing that reached to the middle of his thighs above his black sweatpants.

Wooyoung had to admit it, San did look good.

But his mind wandered back to Seonghwa. How soft he would look in those clothes instead, and he hated himself for it.

With a nod and after an invitation from San to get into the car, he walked to the passenger's seat's side, getting in and closing the door behind him.

He listened only partly at the words the other man was saying, until a particular question diverted all his attenction back on San.

"...And everything was so tense! Ah, by the way, Seonghwa looked pretty worried about you last time, did you two talk after that?" San said, his eyes fixated on the street ahead, both his hands securely gripping the steering wheel.

Wooyoung felt a pang in his chest. He looked over at San without actually saying something, his eyes felt watering and he really tried his best not to show the trembling of his hands.

Of course San wouldn't notice, he was much too focused on the road, and Wooyoung asked himself why the man was so keen on keeping his attention there, but the fear of having to talk aboit his feelings, with a stranger on top of that, wasn't really something he was looking forward to.

He shook his head, hoping for San not to investigate further -what was even there to investigate- and was so grateful when he just hummed nodding his head, coming to an halt at a red traffic light.

Only when the vehicle actually stopped San adverted his eyes from the road to look at Wooyoung. However, if he did notice the shaking of the other boy, he didn't say anything about it. He settled on starting another conversation instead.

San didn't really know why Wooyoung seemed so shaken at the mention of Seonghwa, from what he knew the two were friends, bestfriends, but he knew better than to stick his nose into matters that didn't concern him.

It was peaceful after that. Wooyoung gladly accepted when San asked him if he wanted to grab something to eat, and their conversations were light and empty of anything that could upset Wooyoung more than he already was.

The diner they went to was also cozy, not too crowded but not empty either, and strangely, Wooyoung found comfort in that man who he had initially rejected without thinking twice. He was suddenly grateful for his company.

When San drove him home his mind was light and it missed those sorrowing thoughts that had eaten him alive for the past few days.

They parted with smiles on their lips and, wow.

Wooyoung hadn't felt this peaceful in a while.

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