What did it feel like?

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... Police are describing is as one of the most grizzly ...In local memory. A young student was found killed... And partially disemboweled earlier this morning in Kilberry Park of south Hemlock Grove. The coroner has tentatively identified the victim as Brooke Bluebell, 17, a student attending. Penrose High School. Bluebell was last seen leaving school

yesterday afternoon with a friend of hers, and her car was reportedly discovered near the crime scene. Officials are refusing to speculateon the cause of death, but eyewitnesses suggest the ferocity of the attack suggests an animal may have been responsible. Officials are asking for anyone who may have seen any suspicious behavior in the park area to contact the sheriff's office.

She died? Died!?

And 'with a friend of hers'?... Uh-oh.
They may think it's me!

Likely no one knows me yet. I hope they will find the doer before anyone suspect me.

"Come on. That's the guy you think is a werewolf?" That all what I hear before I get spilled by some beverage. I look around to see it's one of Christina's blonde friends, the one who doesn't have the cute baby face, holding a plastic cup.

"I do hope you witchly had fun!" She says with a fake humor. "You bitchy nun," with a scowled look at me that gets disappeared when she starts to laugh with her sister. I couldn't stay more and quickly walk away from them, hinting Peter in the corner but I didn't either talk to him or look at him.

Later, I walk alone in the hallway, looking for Peter. I heard a lot of rumors about him being a werewolf which made me want to comfort him, and to tell him that not everyone believes that nonsense. I claim the stairs to see him on the flight's top of the stairs and looking up, I look up too to see the Godfrey boy speaking with some guy, maybe a seller I don't know, and gives him some money. I reach Peter and gently put my hand on his shoulder, making him flinches a bit but then relaxes when he sees me.

"Ready to go home or what?" I ask him, before he look up again then back at me.

"Yeah. Let's go."

Then we two leave.


Brooke's vigil in the Stadium in time. There I saw everyone's really grieving for what happened to her, which means what was happening in school wasn't fake. Something like this... I really appreciate. But who is gonna remember someone unworthy like me; my parents are dead, my aunt Mrs. Adkins never loved me, same with Jessie, and no one in this city wants to be friends with me, especially with Christina's rumors about me being a witch. And guess what? My sister blaming me for this.

Suddenly I got flashes of the place where Brooke got killed. Like it's an obvious sign that I must be there. But how can I go there?

"Aunt Rica?"


"I forgot my Bible, can I take the car to take it from house and then come back here?"

"No," a third voice in our conversation.

"Jessie I was talking to--"

"You're not leaving!" She says

"Jessie stop we're in public!"

"You're gonna let her leave the vigil? Her friend's vigil?" She tries to be logical. "And to get your Bible?" She turns to me and scoffs. "Since when you forget that precious Bible of yours?"

"Jessie your tone isn't proper anymore, stop talking like tha--"

"You're siding with her again!?" Her voice becomes louder. I hate when she raises her voice, embarrassing all of us.

"Let's get out." Rica orders, grabbing Jessie out with her. "Ronica follow us!" She tells me, and I start to follow.

"Can I understand what's the problem?" Rica asks Jessie after we're finally far enough of the crowd.

"You're always siding with her aunt Rica, and that's not fair," she says with a fake broken tone and sad eyebrows expression, preparing her eyes for tears.

"Siding with me for what? Yeah, I haven't known Brooke long, and we've only met twice, but the way that caused her death was terrible. I lost focus a bit and forgot to bring it, that's everything. Now, can I go get it before the ceremony starts?" That's the truth. Except for sure the part that I forgot my Bible.

"You're lying," Jessie simply states.


"No, she's lying! I'll prove it to you! Give me your bag!" Suddenly she rushes to me to snatch my bag. Thankfully, Rica and I are quick enough; I back away quickly and aunt catches Jessie firmly, taking her away from me. Did my sister lost her mind or what?

"Let me go!"

"Jessie stop, we're not in our the house!"

"I'll leave now, or else is worse!" I say quickly before I run to the car. My sister for sure never stop talking, accusing me of running away with my lie and making my aunt side with me, and more. I don't know what to do to make her love like I do with her?

I get in the car and start the engine, I look at my family to see that Rica has let go of Jessie but still grabbing her arm to make sure she won't run after me. Jessie is still trying to convince our aunt that I'm lying, I mean well I'm lying but she doesn't know that, she's just trying to ruin every moment between me and Rica to be her only fav girl. Moreover, when Jessie lied a lot I never tried to tarnish her image in front of Rica, instead I would try to advise her and then I would either get yelled at, insulted, or get made fun of in public which would make people laugh. After those quick flashes, I start walking away from my very angry sister, heading to the crime scene.


I park further away from the site, as the other road to the park, not the main one. I sneak in and head to where Brooke was killed, they said she got her fate in some playhouse or something. I almost get there but I see a moving shadow on the grass, so I hide immediately behind a tree. I slowly creep my head out from behind, who is that? Peter? what's he doing--?

"What did it feel like?" Another voice freaks us both, and I manage to stop myself from screaming.

"What did what feel like?" Peter says, annoyed. Actually it's really annoying.

"Killing that girl," The Roman Godfrey himself clears up what he meant. Ok what are they doing here? Honestly. What are we doing here?

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