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"matt, let's break up"

Abby says as matt just looks at her,
Not knowing what to say or how to respond

"wh.. What..?" he finally talks,
"what the hell are you saying? Why would you.. Why would we bre...break up?"

Abby scoffs,

"oh come on matt, we barely even were a couple, breaking up wouldn't make it so different"
Abby says, putting both her hands on the table,

He scoffs aggressively as he looks away,
Looking nervous,

"is this all because we find it hard to meet?"
He asks,

Then he pulls himself with the seat closer to the table, putting his hands on the table, looking completely desperate,

"We can fix that, i-i can i can, um, come visit you more, or, i could even take you live with me in new york when you finish college soon, we just have to wait a little bit longer, hm? Please abby, don't just end us like this.. please.."
Matt says, as his eyes get filled with tears,

Abby looks at him silently, with a poker face,

"I'm sorry, but this is my choice"

She gets up and takes her bag,
As matt looks up to her, with a desperate, scared face,

She smiles at him, this time gently,

"goodbye matt, it was nice being your girlfriend, really.."
She says, as she turns and walks away, out of the coffee shop,

Matt just sits there after abby left, with his lips slightly parted in shock, he looks down to the table silently, thinking about what just happened.


Chris just munches over some cookies, as he sits on the counter, watching abby from her back cooking something in the kitchen,

"so, you want me to make it obvious to matt that we're dating, like give him some hint"
Chris talks as he munches,

"mhmm, yes"
Abby responds to him, still giving him her back,

Chris tilts his head looking with his eyes and head to the left side of the ceiling, as he picks another cookie and eats it,

"and.. How would you want me to do that?"
He asks, as he looks towards abby again,

Abby turns as she walks to towards chris, as she puts both her elbows on the counter, facing chris,

He looks to her with curiosity yet with a calm, confused face,

Abby gives him a mischievous grin,
As he frowns confused, scared of her plan,

"what are you gonna make me do..?"

Chris says loudly,

"oh come on chris! that's the only method we could use in a way that'll make matt dead jealous"
Abby whines as Her and chris are sitting on the couch,

She's holding his left arm as she faces him but he's looking in front of him to the tv, looking away from her,

"no! This is too much"
Chris says,
"like, like, we could do anything else, like hold hands, or hug, we always do that, but what?! KISS?! in front of my house?! No, i won't do it"

Abby pulls her body closer on the couch to chris as she holds his arm tighter,

"but chris! That's the point, we always hug and hold hands and that's why matt will brush it off, but if we kiss.. He will instantly think that we're dating"
Abby says as chris doesn't look at her so he would not give in,

𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘪 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬? s2 _sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now