☆. 026 .☆

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Chloe sits on her couch as she carefully makes a castle with paper cards,

"this.. is the last one.."
She says to herself,

Her hand shaking as she slowly gets closer to put the last card,
But someone suddenly opens the door in full force,

abby shouts as she gets in fast,
Making the whole castle crumble down,

chloe is freezing in her place with her hand still as she holds the card speechless,
abby slams the door closed and runs to chloe,

"chloe chloe chloe, CHLOE, FUCK"
abby shouts as she runs closer to her,
as Chloe slowly puts her hand down and massages in between her eyebrows, not even surprised,
she sits besides her,

"what could it possibly be that you had to destroy my castle like thi-"

"it's an emergency"
abby says huffing, cutting chloe off,

Chloe frowns and turns her head to look to her,
suddenly feeling seriousness in the air,
"what is it?"




"hmm, so you're basically telling me that you were fake dating chris and weren't serious, you were only acting like you're dating to make matt jealous, but you actually didn't have feelings for each other even though you guys made out a few times? and today you ended it AND THEN you proceeded to kiss him on the lips?????? is that what you're telling me?"
chloe asks,

abby pouts,
"why does everybody react this way when i tell them? you're making it sound awful.."
she mumbles,

Chloe scoffs,
"BECAUSE IT IS AWFUL!! abby you kissed him twice when you're not even dating him!"
chloe says showing abby the seriousness of the matter,

"no! i only kissed him once, one of the times we kissed was for an act, the second one was him who kissed me after i only kissed him on the cheek"
abby defends herself,

Chloe slides her fingers through her bangs in frustration,
"same thing abby, you don't even know what doing that might have felt to him, it must have hur-"

"but no, it doesn't matter because he doesn't care anyway!"
abby fights back,

"then what about you?"
chloe asks calmly,

then abby pauses,

"what about you? it doesn't matter to you as well?"

silence takes place, something obviously hiding in this quietness,
she looks down to her laps,

then she gets up,
"yeah i obviously don't care as well"
she says as she tries to walk away fast,

but chloe fastly grabs her arm,
"stop lying to yourself"
chloe says when abby looks behind her shoulder down to her,

".. I'm not"

Chloe sighs before abby pulls her hand away,
but chloe gets up fast and stands in front of her,

"there is, there's obviously something you're hiding in your eyes, something you're keeping silent and hidden, what is it abby? hm? what is it? why are you hiding it? when you've got no reason to do so?"
Chloe asks looking at abby straight in the eyes,

𝘊𝘢𝘯 𝘪 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬? s2 _sturniolo tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now