Chapter two.

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Adeline left the hotel her stomach rumbled from the lack of food all day. She'd spent most of it in the spa facilities taking the time to be pampered how she normally wouldn't be after she checked in. She ventured to the right choosing that way for the twinkling lights that lit up the night around her. The smell of food hit her after five minutes of walking that only served to make her stomach rumble louder. Adeline stepped into the first fast food place she found. She weighed up her options of the pizza under the heat lamps, choosing her piece she scoffed it down in record time. Adeline bought another this time she took it with her to continue to look around the place. The street bustled with people all chatting to one another as they went on their merry way.

She stood there for a couple of seconds as she debated whether to use the bench in the small park across the road where half of it was shrouded by the trees. Only half of it bright. Adeline shrugged as she decided to take her chances with how bad her feet were aching from being on them for so long. Much to her delight, the background noises could still be heard which helped to keep her calm. She was happy the place seemed to be a stark contrast to the last one.

In the shadows the unearthly handsome stood to wait for a victim to enter. He peered through his long eyelashes at Adeline to watch how she presented herself. His eyes stalked her to see what she would do, to find out if she would make an interesting meal. He resorted to straying closer to the bench but didn't expect to be noticed by her until he wanted to make his presence known. Much to Adelines advantage, she did.

Adline let the gasp fall silently from her lips as her breaths sped up from the appearance of a man stood so close beside her. She wondered when he'd entered the park, or if he'd been there all along but she didn't know. Adeline moved discreetly more across the bench to distance him, only to find he followed her movements. He didn't blink. She wasn't sure he was even breathing. Adeline averted her gaze to the other side of the park, to her horror she found another man huddled around a limp woman, she couldn't make out much of the features, but knew deep inside they'd killed her.

The man had decided he had his answer. Adeline watched on frozen to her spot as he chuckled before he darted in a blur in her direction. He'd given her just enough time to take note of the bloodstained fangs that hung in his mouth, he wrapped his arms around her like a viper so it would only serve to restrict her breathing if she dared to try and escape. No scream could leave Adeline while she could hear the sound of her heartbeat in her ears, pulsating around her whole body. She was certain it would've only grabbed the vampire's attention that much more. Adeline closed her eyes as at that moment, she knew how much of a mistake it was to risk going in the park to begin with. No sooner had Adeline closed her eyes, terrified by the death that awaited her, had she felt the arms no longer connected to her body.

Adeline peeped one of her eyes open in confusion, she held her breath, but it wasn't the same vampire her eye was met with. She ventured to open up the other one to see if her eyes were deceiving her. But they weren't.

Now stood in front of her was the vampire from the night before. A scowl set upon his face unlike the usual masked expression she'd expected. The look was gone in a matter of seconds after he realised, she was looking straight at him. In its place the void was back.

"What business do you have here, human?" His voice was thick, smooth and filled with sleep.

Adeline gulped down her salivar. She shook her head to clear the fogginess before she bothered to think of a anything to say.

The other vampire in the dark stopped its feasting, and slowly turned its attention towards the newcomer.

"Non, I came here to sit. What else would I be doing in a park when its dark?" She gave the weak retort. Adeline winced being able to hear how bad it sounded even to her standards. She glared up at him to add her emphasis and pretended not to know how bad she'd failed.

Out of the corner of her eye she could see the lifeless body thump to the floor, the vampire stood up to stalk its way closer to their position its eyes didn't leave them. Adeline was curious as to where the other vampire had disappeared to, but was too frightened to ask the man, she didn't think she wanted to really know the answer. Not when there was a slight bit of black blood dripping down his hand onto his nail that onto the damp floor.

"Not a good enough answer." He grunted out. He managed to turn around in time to rip the head off of the unsuspecting vampire that had finally reached where they were. Blood spattered onto the grass; tendons hung gruesomely from the head the man threw to one side as if he was throwing a bottle in the bin.

Adeline leant back as far as she could into the bench as it dug into her back, she didn't take too much notice other than she couldn't get any further away from him. From how easily he'd killed the vampire with not one shadow of remorse in his body language she didn't know how safe she could be with him around either.

"Why are you here? The last time I saw you, you weren't even in this city." Adeline redirected the conversation.

The man didn't answer, simply shrugged as a response. He turned his back ready to leave the park when he was positive there were no other vampires around the young woman. He stopped to turn slightly in her direction.

"Felix." He let out a name, then completely disappeared again.

Adeline blinked a couple of times still not moving from where her back was now aching. When her muscles wanted to respond, she got up off the the bench with more questions than she had before. Why did he save her?

It didnt dawn on her until halfway back that he meant Felix was his name.

Deep down she knew it wasn't the last time they'd end up seeing each other. Adeline went back to feeling restless. Inhibited from the guessing game of the strange things she'd witnessed over the past couple of days. The strange sightings. A whole new world filled with the monsters that some people had wished were real, dependant on the stories to help them live in life to take from the boring. But one that was truly real, all for Adeline to not want to be part of, however seemed to be. 


The vampire seems to be a lore onto himself! Though I'm glad the other vampire didn't get to her. How has no one else noticed this before now? Leave your thoughts on the chapter in the comment and don't forget to like the chapter if you enjoyed it :)

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