Chapter nine

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Half way through the night Adeline couldn't get over the feeling of loss on the other side of the bed. Eventhough it had only been one night Felix had been next to her. It had been the easiest, most peaceful sleep she'd had in a long time. One with a promise of being permanently safe and secure.

She moved the pillow over her head to silently scream into it. This wasn't like her to act this way.

A couple of nights later, Adeline tossed and turned like she'd done the other nights, no idea how to ask him to come in the room without it seeming needy or weird. Forty minutes later Adeline resigned. She went over to her door and knocked a couple of times. She felt dumb as soon as she did when she relised she should've just opened the door as it led into the hallway not another persons room. Adeline didn't have time to dwell on it before the door opened up, Felix's eyes darted around to see what the problem might have been. When the only part that seemed out of place was Adeline who wasn't in bed but stood next to the door she knocked on. He came in.

"What wrong?" He asked lowly as he studied her from head to toe.

Adeline hopped from one foot to the other no longer confident in her plan. She scratched the back of her hand until Felix placed his over the top of it.

"Erm. Ju-Just realised you might need to get some sleep too." Her voice wavered.

"I don't sleep much little kitten." He shook his head stepping closer to her.

Felix raised his hand to stroke her arm, but collected himself a milimeter away. He let his hand fall back to his side; Adeline didn't notice his gesture from how dark the room was.

"But that still means you do sometimes." She said the budding warmth in her heart diminishing.

"Yes. But that's not what I'm here for." Came his short reply.

"Nevermind." She whispered going back to the bed.

Adeline was surrounded by warmth, Felix's arm rested snugly against her waist he pulled her closer to her chest.

"If you wanted me in here all you had to do was ask." He breathed into her ear that only sent butterflies to dance around her stomach. Her eyes fluttered closed involuntarily.

"I never asked. You're here every night, but don't you have somewhere to sleep?" Aeline asked to disctract herself from the growing warmth in the pit of her stomach.

Felix tensed behind her.

"I, erm. Just tend to sleep whereever. I did once use to live with my clan." Felix's voice was strained as he attempted to keep all emotions out of it. Adeline reflected on what he was really saying. He didn't have anywhere to go. To call is own. It brought a new wave of deepness to their friendship. One where she could see the real him. The broken spirit he was holding inside decuised so others wouldn't know.

"Well, you can always come in here. For any reason, to sleep or relax. My dorm will always be a safe place for you." She offered him not fully realising what that acceptance meant for him.

"Thank you." He murmered and began to play with her hair. Adeline relaxed more into him.

"Did you have any sibilings growing up?" She yawned out not wanting the opportunity to learn more about him go to waste. He would go back to the same old Felix by morning. More of a terrifying unapproachable creature than the kind hearted one she was met with when it was just them at night. Cuddled up like this.

"Alright sleepyhead. I'll give you one more question after this one. You're exhausted." He laughted out. Adeline's eyes shot open. No longer as tired from sleep as she was. It was the first time she had, had the pleasure of hearing a genuine laugh from him. All she wished to do was to hear more of it after how magical and bell ringing it came out. So full of light.

"I have two sibilings. But they aren't half-lings like me." He answered her sadness laced his tone this time.

"Do you ever get to see them? Are you close? I wish I had sibilings." She fired out one after the other not giving him any room to talk. By this point, Felix had changed to his fingers delicately glinding up and down her arm to keep her calmer.

"No. I'm not allowed to after it was found out I was a half-ling. We were close up until that point. But after I turned at 16 I was chucked out of my clan. With it my mother was killed for breaking Fae laws in sleeping with a vampire. One of the darkest creatures out there besides the dark Fae clan." His voice hardened at the distressing memories that flooded back to him of that day. The screams that diserted his sibilings; their eyes turned from their deep indigo heugh to one of Amber in morning. Their shouts of anquish from all the clan and dissaprovement he witnessed on each of them over what he was. His final goodbye where no one other than their leader dared to show up. Felix buried his face into Adelines neck breathing deeply to calm the unresolved memories from any more torture.

"I didn't mean to bring up the hurt from the past. But I don't think you're the same as the other vampires. They did the wrong thing in letting you go like that. You are a good person." Adeline told him, she turned around so that she was face to face with him to get her points to hit home.

Adeline blinked as it finally dawned on her how close they were to one another. So close if she turned her head upwards slightly her lips would brush up against his. Her eyes wondered down to the red daring things before they darted straight back up to seach his eyes. The need grew the longer they lied there without words being spoken.

Adeline turned her head away, the temptation too strong while her mind reeled with the possibility of rejection. She placed her head further down on the piilow and chose to shut her eyes instead of letting in to her disires.

By the time she'd woken up the next morning Felix was no where to be seen. She grabbed for her phone that was now on charge on the nightstand to see a couple of messages from her friends as well as Fayne. But non from Felix.

Adeline wiped her eyes sitting up in the bed fully to look at all of them. She swiped off the messages from Darren that were telling her they were all meeting at the usual restaunt tonight to focus on Faynes messages. She turned up the brightness on her phone to make sure what she was seeing wasn't a mistake.

Training started at 5. Meet in the Furain coffee shop when you eventually get this.

You need to start learning as soon as possible.

No point in avoiding your destiny, it wont change you being the new priestess.

You have five minutes before I will be at your door.

Adeline now on full alert looked at the time the last message was sent. It was four minutes ago. She wuickly pulled up his phone number hearing the cick on the first ring.

"What time are you calling this?! Your training was meant to start over 4 hours ago. Do you want to get hurt or die because of your lack of of will?" He threw at her hazardously.

"Hang on. You never told me you wanted to start training at 5." She groaned out sleep still heavy in her voice. But even with how it sounded he was on the move she didn't bother to move one inch from where she was.

"This is what I was talking about the other day Fayne! You cant just expect me to know what you've planned if you don't bother to include me." It came out more of a whine than she intended it to, Rage burned through her veins at being left out on yet another thing she should have been included in. Expecially when it was about her.

Adeline hands became increasingly more cold to the bone but burning hot on where it was placed on her leg. She yanked it away before she rubbed the spot only to find that it hurt just the same. She focussed more on her hand than on the conversation with the empty apologies Fayne recited to her. She knew it wouldn't be the last time he did something like this.

"Are you even listening to me?" He asked. Only his voice didn't come just through the phone. It echoed through the room. Adeline looked up to find he was stood in her room his arms folded and a piecing glare placed on her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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