The Big News

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My life is boring.

All I do all day is go to school, do my work, go home, eat dinner, and go to bed, everyday.

On weekends I just spend time at home and do what every lonely kid does, sleep, eat and watch TV.

I don't get out much, I don't have friends. My parents work at a very popular company, so basically they're not home a lot and when they are home we try to spend as much time together.

The most time we get is 2 hours, then the phone rings and they're gone like the wind. Sometimes I think that they're job is more important then me.

What a sad life.

I'm grateful though, I have a nice house, I have parents and food, that all I needed.

I don't get bullied but that's a good thing, but its like I'm invisible at school, no one notices me. I just want a friend that I can talk to, is that to much to ask?

"Yura we're leaving now, there's breakfast on the table, clean up afterwards and go to school!" I heard my mom say from downstairs.

"Yes mother!" I heard them leave from out the door.

I guess I should get ready then.

I brushed my teeth, I got dressed in my school uniform and brushed my hair.

I went downstairs to eat breakfast and cleaned up afterwards.

I grabbed my bag and left the house and started walking to school.

I sigh to myself, another day.


I arrived at the school.

I'm always 20 minutes early.

I decided to go to the rooftop, my special place.

When I got there I saw a boy.

There's usually nobody here.

That's odd..

I decided to approach him, but before I could he turned around which startled me a little.

"Oh I thought I heard somebody come up here" he said. He doesn't look familiar, he must be new.

I stood in silence.

I never thought a boy would talk to me.

But the thing is, I never thought a CUTE boy would ever talk to me.

He's tall, handsome, with nice skin. He's got nice soothing voice.

"I thought no one would come up here since it said No students allowed" he said.

He chuckled a bit.

"Y-you really think students listen to that rule?" I said.

"No I just thought, well..never mind."


"Anyways, I'm Daehyun. I'm new here, I'm from Busan."

I could tell by his accent.

"N-nice to m-meet you, I'm Yura," I stuttered from my words.

"Nice name for a pretty girl," he smirked.


I remained silent.

No one ever called me pretty before.

"Nervous? Don't be, I'm harmless," he smiled.

I didn't know what to say, instead I just nodded.

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