Heartful Co. (Evangelina Heartful) - Chapter 2

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At the Heartful's Company,

"Good Morning, Evie! Congratulations on your promotion!" Margaret, head of marketing, jumped in front of Evangelina with roses she picked up on the way to the company. The aroma of the flowers filled the air and instilled a comforting atmosphere. Evangelina smiled and accepted the flowers. 

"Thank you for supporting me all this time," She held the flowers in her arms and proceeded to her office.

The tall double doors had a face recognition security system installed that recognized her face in its registry that she set up herself to include herself and her parents only. When she approached, the doors opened automatically and closed behind her after she entered. The office was fairly big as she had remembered from her start with the company where she had lunch with her parents during crucial familial meetings concerning the CEO position that her parents were preparing for her to take. 

"Evie," Her mother was sitting in the center of the room on the sofa as she expected her arrival. She sipped the tea that she had just freshly poured, "Come sit next to me,"

Evangelina listened to her mother's calm voice and proceeded to make her way towards her until she noticed a a few pieces of paper that was placed at the corner of the coffee table closer to Evangelina.

"Is this..." She picked up the papers and began to observe its contents.  

"Yes," Her mother stood up and walked towards her, "These results are the reason you will officially take on your role as CEO,"

The numbers seemed so unreal on the paper. Like a dream. All those sleepless nights working on a technologically advanced system to improve sales and promoting the companies services really paid off. But she knew it couldn't have happened without the help of her team that had supported her parents business since the beginning. 

"With that, go take a coffee break and I will be arranging an assistant to guide you through your journey," Her mother caressed Evangelina's cheek. 

"Wait, why wouldn't you be able to continue guiding me further?" Evangelina tried to reach out to her mother, but she was already towards the door. Her mother turned to look at her with a smile before leaving. 

She could feel the anxiety begin to kick in. This was everything she had worked so hard towards, but the responsibilities she would have to bare were uncertain. It was thrilling, but scary all at the same moment. 

She placed the paper back down on the table and headed for the cafe that was just down the road. After she badged out from the security check point, she was approached by one of the security guards. It was Stephen, a famous ladies man among the employees. He had been trying to pursue her in a very subtle way by being the friend he felt she needed. Evangelina was aware of his tactics, but decided to save him the embarrassment by humoring him. 

"Well if it isn't the boss lady herself leaving the building," He said sarcastically and walked with her through the fairly long lobby towards the entrance doors. Evangelina laughed at his attempt and stopped before exiting the building to look up towards him.

He was much taller than her and very well built. His curly, dark black hair were like curtains over his eyes. He combed his hair back to see her perfectly revealing his deep, ocean blue eyes. She couldn't deny that he was attractive, but his personality and track record deemed him as not capable. Love was the last thing on her mind after acquiring her position as CEO. The employees were in her hands to take care of. Her responsibility. 

 "If you must know, I will be getting coffee. You won't stop me from keeping my brain from dying, will you?" Evangelina joked back, but immediately felt the cringe seize her body, "All jokes aside, please focus on keeping everyone safe,"

"Yes, Sir!" Stephen straightened up and saluted her. She could not take it anymore, and finally rushed through the spinning doors towards the cafe. 

A good cup of coffee should boost this dimming light of mine~. She thought as she pushed forward through the bustling streets of the city. Her beige jacket caught the wind and flailed behind her like a superhero cape. She felt sophisticated with the clothes her mother picked out for her.

When she arrived to the shop, she took notice of the customers who were focused on something else other than their companions next to each other. Her curiosity followed the stares towards a man sitting alone at his table. She couldn't see his face, but she could see he was in good shape. His body seemed slender and healthy, from the side view she could also see his perfectly shaped jawline and a pair of reading glasses that seemed to fit exactly as it should to his facial dimensions. His suit gave a businessman type appearance, but something a little more important. Executive, maybe? She couldn't quite see what the buzz was about, so she suddenly focused back to her original goal. Coffee.

She found a seat towards the corner of the cafe and removed her jacket to place behind the seat of her chair. Evangelina knew she has much work to do, so the pre break was much needed. Her thoughts wondered that this may be the last relaxing break she would see in a while. It was exciting though. 

She started towards the cashier to prepare her order and took notice once again their attention towards the gentleman behind her. 

"Ice Americano, please," Evangelina spoke before the cashier finally greeted her. She rang up her order quickly.

"My apologies. I will make sure to have this brought out to you promptly," The cashier nervously spoke when she realized who was standing in front of her.

Evangelina smiled without worry and collected her receipt after scanning her phone on the little POS (Point of Sale) device for payment. She heard the sound of a phone ringing behind her and heard the soft toned voice speak, but she could not pay attention to the contents of the conversation. She went back to her seat and noticed the man looking around before closing his laptop and standing up to depart. The exit was a bit towards her direction, so she could finally see the face everyone was so enchanted by. 

The man seemed to be in a hurry and rushed towards the doors. Evangelina glanced at the man to see confidence in his strides as walked. His hair was clean, brown and properly still in place. It matched his style indefinitely. It was like looking at a male business model straight out of a magazine. How could a man look so... perfect. She couldn't believe her heart as it began to beat fast. She shook her head to bring herself back and became determined to not to be so curious again. She sipped her coffee and began to think of future business plans for her company.

Author Notes: Hello Readers! It is Sunday! And as promised! I am happy to release Chapter 2 of this exciting story. I am happy to share this with you and setting a weekly goal is really helping me keep my word. I want to thank you all for the support and I hope to continue this story you completion. Again. Thank you so much for reading! 

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