Evangelina and her Father

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Eric and Evangelina arrive to their office in amazing condition as they breathed a sigh of relief. But they were not aware of the storm approaching before the calm. They began to work in their battle against each other, unknowing of the path that would soon bring them together indefinitely. 

Knock Knock. It was Evangelina's father at the door. His rough image as a hard working labor man aged well on his face and hands. His change in appearance from that of a well built man to  a settled down man really showed more around his cheeks and his belly. The man surely did not know how to lay off the drinking. 

Evangelina's head propped up as she heard the doors open to see her father walking through the door. "Father," She called and stood up from her desk to greet him. She took him by the arm and helped him to the couch. 

"Evy, I'm not in a nursing home yet, you don't have to treat me like I am an ancient fossil," Her father grunted. Though he had a hard shell on the outside, his heart was softer than the clouds. 

She chuckled lightly and proceeded to help him sit.

"Not, now, father. Nice and easy," She joked and couldn't help the laugh from escaping her mouth. 

He waved her off and fell back into the seat, in which, he would then proceed as if he did not almost stumble from sitting down. When they were seated properly and relaxed, he cleared his throat and side eyed her as if to read her current atmosphere. Happy? Sad? Stressed? He simply couldn't tell with her. 

"So..." Her father started, "any good fellas you want to introduce me to?" 

The question was so random and full of curiosity that it caught her off guard. The room was left silent, which caused her father to become suspicious. She could see in his eyes that he was speculating that she had been romanced by someone. But he couldn't be farther from the truth. Though he did not watch over her directly over the years, she had no time to think about dating. Her experience with love went right out of the window as soon as she vowed that she would give her life for her parent's company. 

"I'm afraid..." Evangelina started.

"He's poor, he has a learning disability, he's a musician? Or he's a...," Her father interrupted.

"No... there's actually," Evangelina started again.

"Could it be a... woman?" Her father interrupted again, "If it's the boy from our enemy's company, I will not stand for it! You could have any man you want, but that nemesis of ours. No way!" 

"No! I've never even met the man," Evangelina raised her voice, but chuckled a little bit at her father's insane ideas, "There is no one,"

"Oh," Her father went into thinking mode. It was almost like a worrisome kind of look. She knew what his concerns were, but she also knew she wasn't ready for what he was thinking. Children. A grandchild. The next heir to carry on the Heartful company, "I see. Well, no worries. When the time is right, yeah?"

Evangelina nodded her head and smiled at him. She knew he cared very much for her and he would put her first above the company. The trust he had for her was incomparable to any other. She hugged him and kissed his forehead. 

"Ah, now for the real reason for my visit," Her father suddenly remembered, "I am searching for your assistant to help guide you through the journey you will be embarking on,"

Evangelina looked hesitant as if having an assistant was unnecessary. She didn't like the idea of someone stepping on her shoes, or telling her right from wrong. But if it helped her father reach the point of his current status, then she could not deny the unknown path ahead. Would it be someone within the company? Would it be someone from the outside? Her thoughts wondered. 

"Leave it all to me, little one. I will find you the best fit!" His confidence was brimming . She knew she could not bargain with him in this state of mind. 

"Then I leave it to you," Their meeting ending after a few good laughs of the past. Evangelina escorted her father out of the office as his face shined with happiness. As if nothing could go wrong. 

Author's Notes: I failed to post my new chapter last Sunday, but I guess better late than never. I wanted to try to post every Sunday, but things got a bit hectic last weekend. But I am happy to return to the story and continue writing! We are going into a bit of a slow run here, but I tried to keep it comedic and introduce her father into the picture while also capturing his deep hatred for the other company. I hope you all enjoyed this read and let me know how you guys are liking it so far. Thank you for the support! 

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