The Job Offer

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"Eric! The time has finally come!" Eric's father stormed into his office, catching him off guard. He was analyzing the data in his computer more intensely as the numbers fluctuated up and down. He pressed his glasses up against his nose and closed his laptop.

He looked up towards his father who stood in front of his desk with a single piece of paper in his hand. He could see the title at the top of the page that read Heartful Company Job Application, "This is our chance to infiltrate the enemies territory! You will go in and help us rise above them,"

His voice was triumphant and rigid. The smell of cigarettes escaped his fathers' breath and intoxicated the air around them. Eric was not amused with the idea and began to feel more like a pawn in his father's revenge arc of an unknown history he thought was so far out of reach to learn about. 

Eric turned on his air purifier and stood up before his father, "I don't think this will be an appropriate strategy against our competitive. It seems... unfair,"

His father slammed the paper, that was already filled in, onto the desk and glared at him with rage. It was a look that Eric could not seem to refuse. It wasn't fear, but pity that grew in his upbringing from watching the torture his parents endured trying to take flight with their business. Old friendships that died. A separation that brought eternal unrest between old college friends. All before his birth. A story he wanted to uncover and lay to rest.

Eric grunted with disapproval, but took the pen to the paper to sign. He noticed the name written on the paper was not his name . His skills matched his current job duties, but it was written in a more tasteful way. As if he was NOT a CEO. He smirked at the details presented before him and dropped the pen onto the paper as if he had sold his soul to the devil... again.

"Good, I expect to see results," His father laughed with an evil sound as he exited Eric's office with the paper tightly in his hand. It would later be sent to the Heartful's company under secrecy. 

Moments later after submission, the application made it to the Heartful's HR department, which went immediately towards Evangelina's father for approval under a special case. When it arrived to her father, he skimmed through the application and found it to be very professionally written. He rubbed his hand under his chin and grinned. He was surprised at how fast the process would be going and it made him satisfied to rapidly begin enhancing his daughter's skill as the new CEO.

He made the call immediately. It rang twice before it was answered. 

"Hello?" The voice of the man on the phone sounded handsome indeed. He felt his intuition was spot on and that he had a new idea. Kill two birds with one stone and find a perfect match for his daughter. He smiled at the thought.

"Mr. Sternly, yes, this is Mr. Heartful calling about the application you had just submitted to us. Would you be interested in coming for an interview today?" He worried he was being hasty, but he couldn't help wanting to meet the man over the phone to prove his intuitions were right. 

There was a slight pause.

"That is, of course, if you are not available..." Her father started.

"I am available today. Would 2:00PM be okay to start?" His voice was clear and professional. A perfect sound. An already great start to being a perfect fit for the position.

He checked his watch to see it was already 1:15PM. Could he really be living this close? He checked his address and noticed it was quite close. Should not have any issues with tardiness. He thought. 

"I will be expecting you at 2:00PM then," He hung up the phone and breathed a happy sigh of relief. He quickly dialed Evangelina's number. It rang twice, "Evangelina, prepare for your 2 o' clock interview appointment,"

He heard the sigh before she spoke, "Is this really necessary, father?"

"Absolutely! You are amazing and a hard worker, but there are certain things that I can't teach you that you need to learn as a leader above hundreds of people under you," Her father argued against her knowing she could not refuse anyway, "besides, I will be gone on a business trip soon for quite some time. So I need someone reliable to assist you in your current position. I won't deny that you know so much already, but you can't do this alone,"

"Understood, father," Evangelina agreed, "I will see you soon. I might be a little late, but I will make sure to wrap up my duties here soon,"

He hung up the phone once again and prepared for the interview with excitement. 

Author's Notes: The story is reaching more exciting levels which makes me more and more excited to write. I know these chapters are short, but I really like getting to the point with only a few added fillers. I really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I am very excited to see what will happen next. Stay tuned for the next chapter coming out next Sunday! 

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