The First Meeting -Interview Day Part 1

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Evangelina: 2:00PM was approaching. Evangelina tried not to lose track of time, but her workload continued to pile over one another. She took a breath and worked through the pile of paperwork thoroughly and quickly, but time caught up and she saw the time was 2:01PM. Shoot! She stumbled to her feet and fixed her hair with her clipboard in hand at her hip. She glanced at her phone to see the alarm ringing on silent and almost 20 missed calls from her father. Panic had taken over her body and she was dashing to the conference room. 

Eric: 1:30PM had approached and he was standing in front of his body mirror that stood in the corner of his office while fixing up his interview attire. His face was cleanly shaved and his button up white shirt pressed perfectly against his muscular body. He finished combing his hair to ensure not a strand was out of place. He had performed multiple interviews during his work at his parents company as CEO, so not a worry of doubt crossed his mind for his performance. 

He grabbed his blazer that hung from the back of his office chair and he fitted it while buttoning the mid section. He straightened the blazer from the ends and glanced back at himself in the mirror. He suddenly felt ridiculous for doing what he was about to do. His father told him that he would handle the ground work while Eric performed a cheating act. Though his father didn't see it as cheating. But as an opportunity to learn... but Eric knew that the consequences could end up back firing if they were caught in the act. Eric knew in his heart that it would be wrong, but his curiosity would never lay to rest. He could fulfill his father's wishes just fine and he can also try to discover the secrets behind the rivalry that had been pounded in his mind. It would be like killing two birds with one stone. 

Eric headed towards the entrance of his parent's company and saw the entrance of the other company. The building was as tall as his company with symmetrically tinted windows. He took the sunglasses from his blazer pocket and adjusted his black tie. He put the glasses on and walked down the road towards a cross walk. The city street was breathing of life as usual and cars were speeding down the busy street without a care in the world. 

After crossing the street, he could feel a hint of nerves shaking within him. It wasn't enough to shake him externally. He reminded himself to keep calm and dominate the interview. The man he spoke to seemed very determined to hire the first person that would walk through their spinning door entrance. The processed seemed easily winnable. 

Eric approached the front desk where two females stood professionally still like mannequins. He took off his glasses and the lifeless women at the desk returned to life as their cheeks blushed a very cherry red color. Keeping a professional composure deemed impossible when they looked into his hazel nut colored eyes. 

"H-how can I help you?" The woman on the right stuttered as the other woman continued to stare at Eric. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. He could almost hear their hearts pumping louder and louder faintly as they tried to keep their stance. 

"I have a 2 o'clock interview. Could you kindly help me to where I need to go?" He spoke professionally and tried to ignore their heat for him. It wasn't news to him that his charming appearance caused many heart breaks in the field. But love was never a thing in his mind. Just work and fulfilling his parent's wishes. 

"Ah, yes. Please give me just a moment to confirm that," The woman began searching through her computer and could not seem to find any scheduled appointments. She was nervous to let him know, but then a familiar voice from the elevators called towards Eric. 

"Mr. Sternly!" The man held the elevator door open and gestured for Eric to follow him to there. 

Eric nodded towards the man at the elevator and left the women at the front desk pining for him as they watched him walk away. Their sighs followed behind him. When he entered the elevator, he could feel the man staring at him as if he was measuring him with his eyes. When the elevator doors dinged open, the man exited and Eric followed behind him closely until they reached a glass walled conference room. 

It was empty and quiet. The man had not spoken a single word since they arrived and that caused Eric to feel a hint of worry. They both took a seat, Eric made sure he was sitting from across the man. Eric crossed his hands one over the other on the table and studied the man's features. He had some papers in front of him that he could only assume were informational pamphlets. The man checked his phone. 

"Please give me one moment," The man stepped out of the room and noticed him starting a call and ending it instantaneously in worry. Who could he be calling? He thought. After 5 minutes he returned to the room, "My apologies for that, we are still waiting for one more person. I will begin for the time being,"

The man introduced himself as the Chairman, Mr. Heartful. He spoke about the company, how it started and where they hoped to achieve their goals. He also talked about the expectations in the position. The discussion came to a sudden end when they heard the heels of running down the hall and then the door clicked open. 

"So sorry for being late," It was Evangelina with her hair a little bit misplaced, but her beauty still outshined. 

When Eric made eye contact with her, it had felt like time had stood still. Evangelina tried to fix her hair by brushing through it with her slender fingers as she made her way towards her seat next to her father. He watched the way she walked and studied her. He felt his heart racing and it instilled a feeling he had never felt. 

Evangelina: Evangelina rushed down the office fighting to keep her balance in her business heels. She caught a glimpse of the man in the room and could not understand why she felt a hint of familiarity towards him. She let it pass her mind and opened the door. She brushed her fingers through her hair and then made eye contact with the man. His eyes were charming and a feeling she had never felt before hit her suddenly. She kept her composure and walked towards her seat, placing the clipboard in her hand onto the table in front of her. 

"Good Afternoon, my name is Evangelina. Shall we begin?" Her words escaped and she was on defense mode. Every move made from here was crucial. She tried to avoid looking at the man for so long and noticed the man never took his eyes off of her. She was being studied and she could feel it. 

Author's Notes: It's pretty late right now, but I was able to commit some hours to finish this chapter. So they finally met! It is time for things to get exciting! I called this part one, because the interview process will take some time and build up to the story. As you are reading these, it is very novice as I am still just writing as a freelancer. I really do hope you guys enjoy and please look forward to the next chapter next Sunday. Thank you for your support! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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