Spend The Night

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<Tsuyu POV>

"No! I need him to sing to me! I cant sleep without it!"

"But he isn't here! Haven't you spent the night at another persons house before?"

"Well, No, I haven't"

"Girls, what is going on *Ribbit*" I said, finally entering the living room and turning the lights on. I was followed by Momo and Mina.

"Michi, what is going on?"

"Eri says she cant sleep without her papa singing to her" Michi, Minas younger sister explains.

"And she says that she's never been away from him like this. Except when she stays at her gam's" Satsuki, my sister, said.

"Oh, it is going to be alright Eri, its alright to be scared at a new pla-" 

"Can you call him?" Eri interrupted Momo.

"Well, I could try, I don't know if hell be awake though"

"Would you try, please?" Eri said, about to cry.

"Yeah, I can try" Momo said.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*


"Wow, I did not expect you to pick up"

"Is Eri ok?"

"Oh, yeah, she's fine, she just said she cant go to sleep without you singing to her"

"O-oh. I thought something bad had happened"

"But, I hate to do this to you, do you think you could come sing to her?"

"Of course, I will get there as soon as possible"

"Great! Bye"


<20 Minutes later>

Knock Knock Knock

As I walked over to open the door, I counted everyone else who had gotten up and was waiting for Izuku.

So far it was Me, Mina, Momo, Ochako, Kyoka, and Toru, the original 6 class 1A girls.

And of course, the three sweethearts who were spending the night.

As I opened the door, I saw the man who all us older girls, and Michi, had grown crushes on. He had grown from the first year of highschool. He started out about 5'5" and skinny, but he had grown to about 5'11" and had put on LOTS of muscle between our second and third years.

I guess that's what happens when you had the time.

He had his guitar with him, considering that is what he came to do. He had a beautiful voice, one that serenaded us like he was proposing on a beach in the sunset.

"Hey Tsu, Momo had called about Eri needing a song, can I come in?"

"Oh, *Ribbit*, of course" I answered, leading him to the living room where everyone was.

"Oh, hey you" Michi said fluttering her eyes, but the 9 year old was quickly shut down by her 23 year old counterpart, "Nope" Mina said, grabbing her and putting her on her shoulder like she was carrying her in a bag.

"Unhand me! I want to sit next to Izu!"

"Well, then I can sit next to him and you can be on my shoulders"

"Fine" Michi said crossing her arms around Minas fluffy hair.

As we all sat down, Izuku asked, "So, which song do I sing Eri?"

"The one you ALWAYS sing papa"

"Fine, guess were not switching it up" He said as he began to strum his guitar.

As he sung we began to all get captivated. There was a reason Izuku made this his job, he was good at it. And Hot, but mostly because he was good. Izuku  could make you feel ways about him you never thought with those sweet freckles and tight butt.

I need to calm down.

As he sang, some of the girls got blushes, we all dreamed he wrote the song about us, but we never figured it out.

(Any song shown will be made by Izuku in this unless specifically told he didn't. Also, please go and support the actual creators of the music shown in this story!)

As he finished, all the young ones were asleep, and it was just us adults awake.

"Wow" Ochako said, her permanent blush a little more prominent, "That was amazing"

"Well, I try" He joked back.

"Its so cool how you made this your career, I thought you were going to be some scientist who cured cancer or something with how smart you were at UA" Mina said, putting Michi in her sleeping bag next to Satsuki.

"Well, I better get to goin-"

"Wait" We looked as Eri proved to be awake, "You have to stay, or I will get scared"

"But sweetie, there isn't anywhere for me to stay"

"You can sleep in my room *Ribbit*" I blurted out, as everyone looked over.

"Are you sure, I don't want to be a bother"

"Its no problem" I said, "Besides, *Ribbit*, I'm offering, your not going to turn down a lady are you"

"Please Stay Papa!" Eri said from her sleeping bag.

"Well, if Tsu's fine with letting me stay in her room the its ok with me"

"Great!" Eri said, as we all left the living room for her to sleep.

"Well, Goodnight everyone" Izuku said, as everyone else answered back, and gave me a quick glare before heading to bed.

"Well, here we are *Ribbit*"

"So should I get a blanket for the floor, orrr"

"C'mon, cant handle sleeping in the same bed as a girl?"

"I- I can, its just" He stammered before I assured him

"Relax, its alright to share the bed"

"Well, ok" he said, before getting in with me.

As we both looked at the ceiling with an awkward silence, I tried to ease the tension.

"Eri is so cute"

"Yeah, I cant believe I fond her our first year all alone, who would do that?"

"They obviously aren't as kind as you, and we were lucky that she, Michi, and Satsuki are all the same age"

"Yeah, its nice for here to be around other kids"

"So how's it been, raising a girl and all"

"Great, she's perfect. Although, she asks this one hard to answer question sometimes"

"What is it?"

"She's always asking when she's gonna get a mommy"

"Well, I'm sure your gonna meet a good girl for you and her"

"Ye- Yeah, someday"

. . . 

"Your hogging the blanket"

"Oh- Sorry, I can-"

"No, its fine, but I use heat from my surroundings, so here, let me just"

And I, being one never to let an opportunity go to waste, cuddled up next to him.

"There, now I can stay warm"

"Yeah" He said, obviously nervous.

"Goodnight Izu"

"Night Tsu"

<A/N All characters will look like they do in the show, just without the use of there quirks. So just imagine Mina as she is, and Toru however you want.>

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