Chapter 5: Cuadro Espiritual

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Milo got up an hour earlier than he usually did on Saturday because he knew that he would be spending the day with Adriana. So it made sense to get things done on the farm early and then spend some time in front of his altar with his cuadro espiritual.

Milo finished milking the cows and cleaning out their stalls; then he let the cows out into the pasture. Cachita as usual was the last one out and on the way out of the barn she nuzzled Milo's ear.

"Cachita, you tease. You know I love you." Milo said slapping her on the rump as she went out the barn door. She gave him a look and let out a loud "Moooo."

Milo couldn't do anything but laugh. She was his favorite, he had raised her from a calf.

"Go on out there Cachita, the ladies are waiting for you." Milo said as she trotted out into the pasture.

Milo walked to the back of the barn and into his consulting room. he grabbed his prayer book, sat in front of his altar and began to pray. As he began the prayer for his guardian angel and spirit guides he felt a change in the atmosphere.

"Hello old man." Milo said smiling.

Buenas Dias mi caballo! Juan De Dios' voice rang in Milo's head.

"Juan De Dios, how is my cuadro?" Milo said, his eyes still closed.

Los Muertos are here to serve caballito. Came the response.

Milo smiled. "Juan today I will need Estrella del Monte, can you bring her forward for me?"

She will be here when you need her. Juan de Dios said as the feeling of his presence faded.

Milo continued his prayers taking strength from the familiar words.


Milo was sitting on the front porch drinking a cup of herbal tea when he saw the SUV coming up the road. He put his cup down on the small table near his chair and stepped off the porch and stood in the yard waiting for the SUV to pull up. He marked the moment the SUV passed the protections of the farm, 12 Palo Santo trees bordered the property placed 4 in the East, 4 in the South, 4 in the West and 4 in the North. He felt energy of the resguardos that he had also placed at the cardinal points. These bottles were among the first guards that he had prepared when he had begun to take spiritual clients. A good spiritualist never relied on people being inherently good; a spiritualist knew that people were a mix of good and bad and you always needed to protect yourself when dealing with the spiritual realm.

The SUV stopped and Adriana jumped out the passenger side, A tall man of about 40 got out the driver's side door and walked around the truck. Milo realized that this must be Adriana's father. Colonel Andrew Santana was a towering figure, his broad shoulders and solid frame showing the strength of someone who had served in the military. His casual jeans and t-shirt showed a softer side to the man who also happened to be the father of a teenage daughter. The laugh lines etched around his eyes and mouth hinted at a life filled with both seriousness and joy, making him approachable and relatable despite his intimidating presence.

Adriana gave Milo a hug and looked over at her dad.

"Dad, this is Milo, Milo this is my dad, Colonel Andrew Santana." Adriana said pulling her father over.

"Mucho Gusto, Colonel Santana. " Milo said extending his hand towards the man.

"Mucho Gusto, Milo. My wife Elena says that you have the gift and are well respected in the community. I myself believe but I am not gifted like my wife and daughter." Colonel Santana said shaking Milo's hand. As he did Milo felt a jolt of spiritual energy flow between him and Colonel Santana.

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