Chapter 8: In the Shade of Palo Santo

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When Jose and Milo arrived at the farm, Milo found his family's capazo, a straw tote that had been in his family for generations, sitting on the table, the delicious odor of freshly fried bacalaitos permeating the air. Several ice cold bottles of Malta, malt beer were packed in a small cooler next to the capazo.

Milo had called ahead and told his mother about the trouble with Santiago and asked her to fry her special bacalaitos. They were Jose's favorite since they first became friends. He would find any excuse to come over on Fridays because he knew Dona Natalia would be making fish and Bacalaitos would definitely be on the menu.

Milo resolved to make sure he did something special for his mother to thank her for helping him cheer up his heartsore friend. Jose was still quiet and Milo knew he was replaying the altercation with Santiago is his head.

Milo dragged Jose over to the table. "Smell that. Have you ever smelled anything so wonderful in your life?" Milo said in adoration. Jose looked over at his friend, who was standing over the capazo of Bacalaitos breathing in the delicious aromas dramatically.

"Jose, pinch me, I must be dreaming." Milo said melodramatically. Milo's act was so campy that Jose could help but laugh.

"No," Jose said when he stopped laughing. "I've never smelled anything so delicious, but I think it would even be better if we tasted them!" Jose went to reach inside the capazo only to have his hand lightly smacked.

"Ouch!" Jose yelped.

"Date quieto." Milo said. "You have to wait till we get to our spot. Drop your bag on the porch by the swing and follow me." Milo grabbed the capazo and the cooler and waited for Jose to deposit his school bag on the porch next to Milo's near the swing.

They walked around the house and traveled past the pasture, Cachita caught sight of Milo and trotted over to the fence, mooing loudly. Jose laughed and it brightened Milo's heart.

"I think your girlfriend is calling you. Do you think she is jealous because I'm here?" Jose said teasing Milo. They both went over to the fence where Cachita was waiting to have her ears scratched. Milo handed the bags to Jose and scratched Cachita's ears.

"Hola Nenita Bella, my beautiful girl." Milo said as Cachita nuzzled his neck. Milo patted her on the side. "Go back to the ladies, beautiful, we are just going to the other side of the pasture under the Palo Santo trees." Cachita looked at Milo and with one more quick nuzzle, she turned and went back to grazing.

"I swear Milo, she understand you so well. It is uncanny." Jose said shaking his head.

"Cachita is one of a kind." Milo said taking the bag and walking over to the barn to use the spigot so he could washed his hands. After Milo dried his hands, he grabbed the Capazo and they continued to the east side of the property and found their usual spot under the Palo Santo trees. Here they could watch the Sun as it began to travel over the mountains and gradually fell behind them.

Milo spread the blanket his mother had packed for them and took a seat with his back against the trunk of the Palo Santo tree. Jose sat down on the blanket near Milo and watched as Milo took out the Bacalaitos and opened 2 bottles of Malta. Handing one to Jose, Milo took a quick sip of his.

Milo handed Jose a Bacalaito and took one for himself. Jose took a bite of his and Milo could see Jose relax and enjoy the delicate codfish fritter. Milo took a bite of his own and the two of them sat in silence appreciating the flavor of the bacalaitos.

Milo waited patiently for Jose to open up, he knew that Jose needed to talk about what happened, but he was determined to wait him out and let Jose make the first move.

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