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She jumped into the lake, curling her knees up to her chest and cannonballing in, laughing all the way until she was in the water. He watched with a amused expression, sitting on the edge of the pier, swinging his feet in the cold water. Coming to the lake had been a good idea. They were cramped with exams, the last ones of the year so that meant they were the hardest. Everything you learned in a year, cramped into one large packet.

She had suggested they go in the first place. He was reluctant to go at first but eventually agreed with her all of her begging.

"Luke!" She called out, Luke snapped his gaze towards her, not even realizing she broke up out of the surface already. Luke lips twitched upwards into a smirk. "Hm?" He hummed towards her, watching her with an awe expression. She wiped the hair out of her face and looked up at him, her gaze shimmering with excitement. Luke's grin widened. "What is it?" He asked.

She shook her head. "Nothing. Can you help me up?" She replied innocently. To innocently. Luke raised an eyebrow suspiciously but still reached his hand out for her. She grabbed his hand and Luke tried to pull her up but she reached farther, grabbing on to his wrist and pulling him down with strength he didn't even know she had. He fell into the cold water, going under.

The coldness of the dark lake rimmed through his lungs and he immediately swam up, panting.

when he wiped his hair back and glared at her, she was giggling. "Mia!" He cursed. He swam over to her and scooped her up in his arms. "You're so annoying." He joked, kicking his legs to keep them up float. Mia wrapped her arms around his neck, staring in his eyes. Luke softened his gaze, The way his arms fit around her perfectly had always made him want to melt inside. The way she looked at him like she was so very glad he existed made him want to get on one knee and make sure she was his forever. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He whispered, his gaze fixated on her.

Mia cupped his face, her hands were cold from the water but to Luke they were warm against his skin. Sometimes he'd just hold her hands every time something went wrong just to know there was some sort of warmth in this cruel world. "I love you." She replied softly. Luke blushed.

They had said those words a bunch of times but every time they managed to make him feel giddy. Luke's lips parted. "I love you to, always. Is something wrong?" He asked, just to make sure since it was so sudden. Mia smiled shyly. "No. I just wanted to tell you."

Luke watched her expression, she was pouting slightly. Mia wasn't one for getting shy often, and he found it so endearing when she did. He chuckled lowly. "Oh really?"

Mia furrowed her eyebrows. "Yes. Is there a problem? I can't tell my boyfriend i love him?"

Luke eyes flickered to her lips. "No. I didn't say that." He muttered, bringing her closer. Her bare skin felt so perfect against his. Mia bit her lip. "Do you... wanna go somewhere else?" She pressed her lips against his ear. Luke's whole body shivered. He felt his cheeks heating up.

"Well...I- I didn't think... if you want." He stammered stupidly. He had no idea how she could be so confident during intimate moments. Luke probably had to get drunk before doing anything smoothly. He was very in experienced. So, when your girlfriend who has had other guys before you, wants to do intimate things with you, while you have 0 clues with girls. You'd probably want to live up to her expectations. Luke retracted his words. "Yes." He nodded. Mia giggled at his embarrassment, she kissed him softly, smiling so wide it was hard to kiss.

Luke rubbed her back, slightly pulling back so their lips brush against each others. Mia scarped her nails against the back of his neck, as if to say, put your lips back on mine or else. Luke grabbed her chin. "Alright, I got it. Eager much?"  He joked against her lips as if he wasn't eager as well. Mia sighed impatiently. "Shut up and kiss me, dummy."

Luke had no idea how he managed to pull the most amazing girl in history compared to him, who was once a virgin loser and.. depressed. The only thing he knew about girls was how they liked receiving gifts. his only good quality was his intelligence. But that was the most important part, that was what brought them together in the first place.

Complete opposites. Social status, personality's and hobbies. How could they ever get together? Simple, Fate.

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