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Mia stared the 1st year boys playing soccer, shoving and laughing, sweat coating their bodies. She wasn't interested in what they were doing, she had just found something to zone out on, as she stared into space, she swirled her macaroni salad around with a fork, but she didn't bother stopping and eating it.

"So, what do we think about Saturday night?"

Mia blinked and turned her head over to the girls next to her, taking her finger off the fork to stop the mixing, it would do her better to stop messing with her food. "What's going on Saturday?" Mia asked, having no idea what they had planned Saturday and sought to figure it out, if she were going out with her friends it could ease her mind right now. Ryn and Kayla both looked at her in confusion, Ryn smirked at her. If she had something ignorant to say, she didn't and just shoved a nature bar in her mouth. Mia looked at Kayla for help.

"We were just talking about it. You weren't listening?" Kayla whispered softly, concern wrinkling her forehead. Mia furrowed her eyebrows, ignoring the worried look on her face. It wasn't anything serious, her mind was just somewhere else.

"No, I zoned out. Tell me again." Mia dismissed, grabbing Kayla's hand who gaze lingered on her for a few seconds before sighing. "A party, of course. You know that guy Jim has one every start of the year because his parents are gone on a vacation with other family." She explained, biting in her sandwich, chewing a little bit before couniting. "I think his house is even better than last year too, I'm so excited."

Mia nodded. "Oh, yeah. Jim." She muttered absently. Mia should have known they were talking about him. That guy is crazy rich, his house is the size of the school. He throws this huge party at the start of year, every year. Ever since 7th grade in middle school. Although Jim isn't conventially attractive, his money and humor make up for it, or that's what people say at the least. Mia couldn't really care for him, but he throws cool ass parties.

"Anyway, we were going to meet up a couple hours before the party started to get ready." Ryn finished for Kayla, leaning back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other.

Mia smiled. "Sounds nice."

They continued to talk about the details of the party, this time, Mia was way more interested in the conversation. Not letting her mind fall on what had been bothering these past few weeks. Or who had been bothering her these past few weeks. Usually if she wanted to talk about something or someone that was making her frustrated, she'd obviously talk to her friends about it. But she couldn't. Not about this. Never in a million years.

But unfortunately for Mia, this 'who' came into the picture. Mia's eyes drifted off to the right, near the doors of the school. A tall blonde guy came out, looking around awkwardly and going to an empty bench. Lucas.

She just didn't understand the guy. What was his problem? Why had he been so content on refusing her?

Mia thought this would be an easy thing. She thought he'd say yes. Mia felt a little embarrassed on how confident she had been, he gave her a run for his money, if he even had any. He rejected her like she was the ugliest thing in the world. He said he didn't have any time. But who's really believing that? For someone like him, tutoring would be a piece of cake.

She was so annoyed. It was difficult not to lash out at him. Of course, if he some sort of problems where he could have said so, but he just flats out says no. With little to no emotion behind his words. As if he no care for other people, if he did, it certainly didn't seem that way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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